
Are you a woman though? Because I feel like a 28 year old man probably relates just fine to a 22 year old woman. But if it was the opposite I wouldn’t think so.

Please don’t disagree one sliver with what Michael Harriot has written. This comment section is not for that. If you want to post a comment that Michael Harriot is 100% correct or that his column has brought you to tears that is fine, anything else just keep it moving.

Its amazing how many untalented nobodies you guys blather on about every day.

So go be a star tv anchor. If it doesn’t require a...particular set of skills...then go be one and make tens of millions. 

Hey Old White Guy,

Well, obviously the dictionary was written by a bunch of racist white people and/or Asians. Apparently, Asians are racists now.

“In addition to this, the belief that affirmative action discriminates against whites and Asians is based on the false notion of “merit”—that some people are entitled to jobs and college admission simply based on the numbers, ignoring the fact that they achieved this mythical “merit” in a system built to ensure

Did you just change the definition of a word? Your article somehow manages to go against the whole nature of your argument. It is pretty impressive. You posit that racism is not what the dictionary says it is, it is based basically on what you specifically define as racism, and that definition is not really clear

+1 failed economics course

Yes it can. Lol. I hate it when people vomit out this false ass saying. 

It's HamNo for sure. 

Damn, I’m getting old because beyond recognizing the words as like English, 75% of the concepts presented in the article made no sense to me.

What’s wrong with Saudi Arabia? It’s not an evil apartheid state like Israel. If it were, Ilhan Omar would be ranting and raving against the Saudis right now. There’s no BDS against Saudi Arabia because we don’t need one. It’s a beautiful place. Stop with the Islamophobia, please!

You obviously have something definitive, why not share it then instead of some idiotic gifs? Give me ONE link from an official that states they have direct evidence of him ordering this to be carried out, just one...

Weird, I don’t recall any outrage when Obama was in bed with the:

Except she wasn’t running for president, nor had a husband who was president for two terms nor have almost 3 decades political experience TO KNOW BETTER. Fuck, her emails wouldn’t be anywhere as crucial for hiding security secrets. But sure, equate Ivanka’s role to that of Hillary’s, HAHAHAHA!!!!

I didn’t know being a murder victim was a contest.

I believe it is either true Trump level trolling and a trap. Conspiracy theory tin foil hat:

Female officer here. My duty is to protect and serve. If I need to lay down my life, I will. But how incredibly dismissive to state that my fellow officers and I somehow sign up to die. I have a nine month old daughter. My fellow officers have children and families. We do not exist to die.

C’mon, this is The Root where EVERYTHING has an anti-white agenda! This wouldn’t even be news if the doc was black!