Congrats to white woman Kerry Burke for breaking the glass ceiling!
Congrats to white woman Kerry Burke for breaking the glass ceiling!
Can’t wait for the liberal tears when Bobby disappoints. He’s just a straight, white guy buddy, can’t trust them.
That’s why the Donald is so entertaining.
Delicious. Slurrrp....slurrrp.....please sir, can I have some more of your tears?
Absolutely. The more criminals that can vote, the higher the chance that Democrats can win.
Congrats to Gillum for losing twice. A rare feat.
And even if they were women first and white second, they still won’t give a shit about the blacks.
Sorry, but you’ll never be as woke as white liberals!
Maybe as a white guy you should just sit this one out....who am I kidding? There’s never a bad time to show how woke you are!
I didn’t know OJ Simpson was white. You learn something new everyday.
Thanks, old white guy. You’ve proven you’re woke.
Asians pride themselves on education and family. So naturally, they are completely opposed to black people.
Great job, Kanye. Trump supporters are so generous!
Obviously, the Armenian is the smarter of the two.
Liberals know nothing about guns.
She was obviously stunned to realize that some of her ancestors were criminals. I’m sure she’s feeling better now.
Asians and Latinas will call 911 when they see black men too. Nobody likes you.
Poor blacks. The only thing they always win is the oppression olympics and now these damn women are trying to hog the glory.
Kombucha? I didn’t know conservatives liked Kombucha. Oh silly me, its just a dumb black person shitting on the only demographic that does not hate them.
““not all white people” and “not all white women.” It’s annoying that I have to do this every single time, but white people be forcing my hand, so here we are.