
It’s funny because if Finland burned to the ground, no one would notice.

Not some. Most people think liberals are fascists. Just try expressing an opinion they don’t agree with.

I agree. We don’t need no school named after a black guy.

Are you sure you wanna drop the name of the one black guy who didn’t drop out of your school ?

What a piece of Adam!

You don’t need the CIA to tell you that the House of Saud are a bunch of murderous thugs.

I don’t know. It’s no Freddy Krueger.

That’s easy. I’m a godless atheist.

Don’t look now, but Trump is about the pass the best criminal justice reform bill in decades. Something corrupt Obama never bothered to do.

Don’t like the system, don’t come to America. I’m sure Honduras has a way better system in place.

Agreed, we shouldn’t be locking them up. We need to deport these little shits as soon as possible.

lol. Police, paramedics.....tell me, what problems do you have with the fire department? They never seem to put out fire’s at a black man’s house, am I right?

Obviously, if a black woman died it must be because she was black. God is one of the biggest racists ever, always killing more blacks than whites.

Oh hell no! Nobody wants Stacey to go down .... on them.

What are people going on about? Judging from that picture, I can see two handsome black men.

Yeah, unfortunately, too many of these libs have jobs. Need to get them on the foodstamps before they’ll listen to Mao’s ramblings.

Good luck with that. Historically, whenever people try to transition out of capitalism it usually ends up in dictatorship and mass murder.

Tech consulting? Well, you’re obviously a racist who hired a lot of Indians and no black people.

Yet, unemployment is lower than when Obama was in office. Try again, fake news media.

Why didn’t this 22 yr old intern think about Bill and Hill’s feelings? Didn’t she realize that her vagina was preventing Hilly from becoming President?