Does this mode have in-game matchmaking? Or do you have to have go in with a group of 5 friends?
Does this mode have in-game matchmaking? Or do you have to have go in with a group of 5 friends?
I don’t have a large community of friends to play with, so as a 36 year old dude navigating this game alone I was pretty proud that I was able to more or less master the KF hard mode raid (praise be to!!!). It took some doin’, but I got ‘er done. I know this game like the back of my goddamn hand, so…
I got the Dead Orbit hand cannon, “The Wail”, and with firefly it’s super fun. I was never blessed with a Fatebringer and could never get the Fakebringer Imago Loop roll to drop, so this is one of my best bets to experience blowing shit up with a hand cannon. It has a smaller clip but that also forces me to slow down…
Kind of unrelated, but any chance this game makes it to Xbox One? I’ve seen a few things here or there, but nothing definitive.
Damn it, I really wished I would have given the open beta a shot but I was traveling at the time. Everything I’ve read so far makes it sound like this is turning into a territorial battleground ruled by ultra-competitive try-hard assholes who play 18 hours a day. Is there any room for casuals to play this game and not…
Lighten up, Francis.
Nah. You are a tough-guy bully. Otherwise you wouldn’t be retweeting shit like this. You clearly think it’s funny.
Oh fuck off with this smug bullshit.
I was running around one of the many parks working on a mission and found an empty fast food soda cup in a really weird spot under a tree off in a corner somewhere. That attention to detail just blows my mind.
Is this game much fun if you are playing solo? I didn’t get to try the betas, but it seems from what I’ve read that it is pretty multi-player oriented. I played the shit out of Destiny but got burned out playing with random LFG PUGs for the raids. Is it still fun if I’m an old man who has nary an Xbox 1 friend to play…
Great news! Especially because it means I can keep updating my website,, for the dozens of people who look at it weekly. #shamelesselfpromotion
You need this hat:
“She’s 21, you know? She decided to drink before at the show she was at. It really sucks, you know. She was young. But there’s nothing anybody can do about it now, you know,” said one of her friends.”
It sounds like you may be as passionate about mayo as I am. Check out my recipe:
I’m a leftover turkey sandwich purist. Just posted my recipe on my blogwich:
I just used the RX100 II on a trip through Italy. Don’t regret that purchase for a second. The wifi transfer works pretty damn well, too. Every night in the hotel room while decompressing from the days endless Church/Art viewing, I would lay in bed and transfer all the pictures to my iPhone then upload them to the…
I just used the RX100 II on a trip through Italy. Don’t regret that purchase for a second. The wifi transfer works…
I am the creator/genius behind If anybody has any sympathy for a grown-ass 35 year old man who would love to get his hands on this weapon, hit me up on XBone later tonight, 7ish, CST. Currently at light lvl 285 and, for what it’s worth, know what I am - I defeated Skolas, goddamnit it! - doing.…
May I offer the services of my own website,