Hillbilly Werewolf

My fiance actually laughed at that because while she would rather I didn’t waste my life away playing this game, she pretends to listen to my rambling enough about it that she actually got the joke.

Just found my Halloween costume for this year. Who dat!

Most of us would’ve been shitting into a bucket in a shack somewhere in the middle of fucking nowhere in 1861. The food, the hospitality, the kindness towards strangers: none of that sentimental bullshit “southern culture” existed the way you think it does back then.

That’s one harbaughdy.

Wait a second. Are you publicly declaring that you think that it is perfectly acceptable to chop your kids hair of as punishment for something he/she did? Did I miss something? Can you flesh that out a bit more before I jump to conclusions and call you something along the lines of “Fucknuts J. McRedneck”? Thanks!

Daddy bloggers of the world unite.

And that's precisely what infuriates me about this whole damn thing. My mother works for child protective services in West Virginia and it's a goddamn nightmare. Every day of her life is filled with starving, abused/neglected children and most of them end up in group homes because nobody fucking wants them. All the

So, you are "going to assume that she is a fully functional adult" despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary? Many accounts state that she is deaf and blind following a stroke in 2011. She's 88 years old and lives in an assisted living facility. You really can't see why people are concerned that these people are

Was kind of waiting to hear Deadspin's thoughts about that letter Josh Gordon posted. Why didn't that receive more press? Is it just so full of b.s. that it wasn't worth wasting time on?

Is that true? That sounds like a shit-ton of bullshit.

"That's his choice! We can all be adults about this."

You're a petulant shitheel for spoiling the episode and then stomping around the comment section of your own article pissing on your readership, but more importantly, don't you think Juice died more like a "G" than Gemma? Doubtless they were both going to die one way or another, but Juice went down fighting on his own

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Close shave, America. Close shave, Barbasol.

Close shave, America. Close shave, Barbasol.

My grandparents retired to a teeny tiny town in New Mexico when I was a kid. I remember my Grandma's number one complaint for years was that she couldn't find Hellmann's Mayo in any of the little grocery stores in her area (it was a rural part of NM). It got to the point that when family member's would visit from out

"a whole stadium in a blue collar town"

Just a small edit: let's use "shitty-noise band" instead, so as not to confuse this rock radio tool with the real, talented noise artists of the world (your Merzbows, your Boredoms, your Lou Reeds, etc)