“We continue to be surprised by how sort of frankly naïve a lot of people are about production and supply chain,”
Were you going to take the phone from him to get her number? :D
I’ve driven both, so maybe I can help out here. I would actually say the 2.0T is the smoother and better of the two engines, but the problem is people are dumb. They see a 2.0-liter four-cylinder and think it’s weak and underpowered and bad, and despite the fact that they are wrong, they still insisted upon a big V6.…
2017 Cadillac ATS 2.0T: 0-60 5.7 seconds
A pity star. Just great.
I can’t believe I still have to note this, but apparently I do.
This is one of the most exciting thing to happen to American cars in YEARS, and people just complain cause it isnt a 1.5 liter hatchback that gets 50mpg. On an enthusiast website. Its maddening.
I care. So you’re wrong.
He’s talking about any regulation that makes manufacturers invest profits into research instead of handing them out to his shareholding, golfing friends.
Oh god, it’s got the Honda Civic “looks like a hatch, but is actually a horribly impractical trunk” thing going on.
“While Tesla may have differing definitions of an “alpha” and “beta” prototype from traditional automakers”
Oh golly, look at that arse.
The Audio seems to be the most infuriating thing for me. I still don’t think they have a good grasp on it. Different players choosing the correct output only to have no output.
That seems like the best worst advertisement for Rasperry Pi’s I’ve read. “It’s going to be a PITA, but at least it will work sometimes.”
Don’t compare this to a zipper merge. This is NOT a zipper merge. At all.
Good. Seriously fuck this guy and everybody like him. They actually slow traffic down because everybody needs to brake to let them in.
While that pretty awesome - I’ll be more impressed when it can travel through three states without stopping.
If only there were a hot mic moment available for some insight. Something like “We’ll have more flexibility after the election.”