
Well charities have finally hit the fan. Best Buddies seems to be the biggest victim. Could the Boston Globe take a look at the United Way. Check out what that charity pays its officers. Oh and also check what companies donate executives to work for them so the charity is not paying the provide company is. So when

Which is a very fair stance, hard to deal in hypotheticals when reality shows that Harden runs D’Antoni’s system perfectly.

Tbh may be mixing you up, which, gain is on me. My thing is just that both guys make their teams better, as evidenced by Harden and Russ having numerous teammates post career highs in various diff categories.

So if I (hypothetically) gave $100 to Best Buddies, and Best Buddies (hypodermically) gave $3.25 million to Change the World, and Change the World (hypnotically) gave an undisclosed wad of cash to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (hypocratically) did something charitable with it...

Is it, though? A private high school isn’t a good cause. Two other schools aren’t a good cause (under the assumption that he’s sending his own kids to private schools as well). UM may or may not be a good cause, depending on where that money goes.

I’m not discounting it, but I don’t necessarily but into it either. D’Antoni’s system plays a large part, I think, in how the team operates; I don’t believe the same is true for Donovan.

I don’t know. If you were drafting the players now and remove Westbrook and Harden, wouldn’t the next two players drafted be Adams and Olidipo?

I would trade any non-Harden Rocket straight up for Steven Adams or Victor Oladipo no questions asked.

I use the back of my fist. On the one hand, yes, it’s mostly moot since I’m washing my hands anyway, but I still like to avoid touching that nasty thing with my open hand/fingers.

You’re also unlikely to touch your mouth, nose, eyes (or any other soft tissue) with your filthy elbows so, no harm no foul.

They are good. Westbrook just doesnt let you see that.

It’s been pretty awesome watching the guy most likely to win the MVP get thumped by the guy who should win the MVP.


After the Gibbs win it seemed like a good idea to take a walk down memory lane to the first time [Venus and Serena Williams], played the Australian Open. The year was 1998 and they were quite self-assured young ladies of the teen variety.


You are right. And a case that was cold for that long before OL murder, seems like it would be tough. I’m my personal opinion, I think the state was out classed against his AH’s legal team and you could tell that from the closing arguments (what I read, didn’t watch). But my snap reaction to the thing was that yeah,

yea well the basement has a bulkhead so its pretty much like my own door to the outside

I’m maybe (actually, “probably”) giving Barkley too much credit here, but I took his comments to mean “we shouldn’t be sitting here looking in at his grief. It’s wrong, this guy needs to be with his family, not thrust into being a spectacle for thousands in person, and millions on TV.” Which is how I felt. Maybe he

I actually heard something on WEEI yesterday morning that wasn’t completely stupid. One of the hosts argued that everyone grieves differently, and for some, routine helps them cope. I know when I’ve had family members pass away (albeit naturally, and not a sibling) going to work and keeping things as normal as

I’m glad I’m not the only one who took Barkley’s comments a different way than most people did. I thought he meant that having the cameras focused on him was a bad look, and that it was a bad look for TNT/Turner to capitalize on his grief.