
You followed the second trial closely? I can’t image less on the line. What are you doing with yourself these days?

I’m guessing you didn’t have a pre-written not guilty verdict article for this one.

Followed both trials pretty closely...it was really odd seeing him cry when the verdicts were read.

And people laughed at me for not dropping him from my fantasy team.

Now we will all have to, a second time, never forget where we were when a football player was acquitted of a double homicide.

His orange jumpsuit is allegedly missing from the prison locker room...

Justice graduated from Marshall, as did his wife and daughter.

“I mean, not even Aaron Hernandez would stoop to charging kids for his football camp.”

“Camps? I think he meant centers.” - Sean Spicer

“Sir, I wanted to talk to you about the Memphis..”

Thanks, Obama. Romo is a walking preexisting condition. The NBA doesnt want to foot the bill for treating his football injuries for the rest of his life.

No, Lebron hangs with Maverick in case he and the rest of his posse has to regulate.

All sports figures have bodyguards. That is why LeBron has Maverick.

In case someone pulls a knife or something....

I have a good Otis Nixon story. I went to sort of an off-beat high school in Toronto and our school logo was a Yin-Yang. Anyways, then Jays used to do school days where they’d play an afternoon game and have discounted tickets for school groups. So my school went one year with a banner with our school logo and when we

Unaffiliated = not believing? What? And you criticized me for a spelling error?

Yes, blog post typos tell us everything. I’m an idiot for this. Fair enough.

I know, I know, people are so stupid to believe in an invisible to us God.

Dukakis wore it better.

“So, when you guys are off duty, do you go to Martha’s Vineyard? You make ... what does a poor person make ... $200k a year? Is that right? That feels right.”