this 1 is different tho
this 1 is different tho
Lebron could easily will his way to MVP, maybe even unanimous, and put up more triple doubles than Westbrook, but chooses not to because he is in his 14th season and has to pace himself because he actually has postseason hopes.
You kidding? High school and college teams do this on pretty much every HR. Here’s a good example featuring future MLBer Justin Smoak:
Yeah, I mean, Harden is objectively better this year than Westbrook, but Westbrook is putting on a show that has never been seen before and will never be seen again. His USG+Assist% is like 98%. He is averaging a triple double in a league with a pace 15% slower than the pace that Oscar’s league played at.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being A Guy Who Can Play Quarterback. Alex Smith has made a career out of it. If Glennon turns out to be Alex Smith caliber (so Tier 2, if we’re organizing QBs that way), the teams interested in him could (obviously) do a lot worse. Of course, the teams with giant holes at…
I dunno, I can relate. I roller skated a little as a teen in the 80s, never very well, and then forgot about it for like 25 years. Fast forward to a few years ago, and my girlfriend and I decided to go skating. (I think she had a Groupon.) I was doing OK for a while, but then got cocky trying to do a faster turn than…
Would’ve been funnier if it was a guy.
Ehh. What’s he got to lose? He’s not coming back to the NBA, and saying homophobic shit isn’t going to hurt his chances at playing internationally. If anything, he just got a whole bunch of new fans from the right.
Craig Esherick’s oldest kid is 24 now, I say give him a chance!
Uh yeah...I’ve only tried it once...It’s not like I had multiple restraining orders against me. Pfft...that be crazy...
“Game over, man!” is his most famous line/delivery from Aliens (and deservedly so), but my favorite Paxton line from that movie is when Ripley is yelling at him about how “this little girl survived longer than that by herself!” and he just goes “Well why don’t you put her in charge?!”
RIP. 61 is way too fucking young…
The brilliant actor Bill Paxton died on Saturday at the age of 61, after what several outlets have reported was a…
Aren’t you guys supposed to shit on people Like Justin Timberlake? Please atone for this.
Longtime Baylor basketball fans called this attitude “pure Bliss”.
Yeah, it was the same thing with my kids’ daycare.
Vying to be the next Kellyanne Conway might not be a bad career move
For someone who hates Trump so much, he really cribs a lot from the Trump playbook. #yesallbillionaires
Ya, it’s satire, w/some awful truths mixed in, I’d imagine.
Saw this come across my twitter and only immediately read, “Sean Dolittle: Refugees aren’t...”
I braced myself for impact but was pleasantly surprised/relieved when I scrolled further. Good for you for speaking up, Sean. Don’t let the mouthbreathers get you down.
Eh, I hear ya. I really do. Grave is still warm and all. But this article is basically a reaction to the overflowing of praise. Is it basically #actually extended to 1,000 words? Yeah. But that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Any notable figure in history is complicated, this article is trying to temper the Jesus-like praise…