
This is not to piss on Ilitch’s generosity—he helped pay part of Rosa Parks’ rent late in her life—but rather to point out what many won’t, or at least haven’t. Ilitch was simply a tremendously wealthy pizza mogul with a bad wig who exploited the city council, capitalized on a depressed real estate market, and spent

He may not quit -- let’s be honest, trying to predict what Trump will do is a fool’s game. He doesn’t even know! Which is why I think any option is possible aside from him becoming sane and miraculously starting to do a good job. That def. seems off the table.

+1 sunk cost fallacy

Wishful thinking.

3 years and 11 months. Dude is like a cockroach in more ways than one.

I laughed. Hope you feel better.


I watch because it’s one of the few dramas that is relatable in some sense and for fuck sake it’s not another terribly scripted reality show

They also need to tone down the moral arguments. The middle of the country is ready for change. They need to start explaining how little the GOP has really done for the middle of the country. Farmers need NAFTA and trade deals. Mexico is set to destroy our corn exports by switching to South American imports.

So it looks like the D-League season goes from Mid September till April. Do they provide housing for you during the season? Or are there any perks I am missing? The pay seems pretty bad, but I am curious if there are bennies that aren’t being factored into it.

And eventually, the owners will just replace them with robots. Do you want to watch robot basketball?

You know what’s going to happen when you raise wages though? A couple of unintended consequences:

Looks like it:

We stand in unity with the fans of Syracuse University in their noble stand to clear the name of the wrongfully accused Jim Boeheim and to destroy all who would try and oppress his goodness.

probably cause not that many people (in the grand scheme of things) have seen that mockumentary

Yeaaahhhhhh...... I think it was the program that brought down the program, douche.

Its like if your father hands you a box labeled “Nudes of Mom”. I know to not open that box. I don’t need anybody to tell me to not open that box.

I went over to Breitbart to see the comment section on this. (Never go to the comment section on Breitbart.)

Ha. I will admit that I hold other people to impossibly high standards, but I feel I get away with it because I hold myself up to those same standards. (Needless to say, I am not a happy camper, but at least I’m not a hypocrite.)

Ha. Sorry, not my intent.