
What kind of dog was it?

So you're advocating violence?

When are you going to quit playing the Jew card...

I heard the reason the Pitt deal fell through was because Angelina insisted the sperm be injected in her butt.

I didnt know Kendrick was such a whorish pincushion.

I wonder if Heller will get 155 million.

Is Lowndes Jewish?

There's nothing funnier than watching left wingers and SJWs slobber all over Hillary Clinton.

That threat to Dom was over a year ago. For fucks sake, you can't even get basic facts correct when you are just copying them from another source.

So was she Jewish?

It has a 75-80% approval rating from the audience.

I always liked Shandling quite a bit.

Who wants to bet Semites have their fingers all over this.

Is Ghomeshi Semitic?

Jezebel situational ethics will be on parade.

This thread will be the perfect example of hypocritical situational ethics on Jezebel and gawker media.

Is Newman Jewish?

Exactly how does the prosecution get around a subsequent email that says “I want to fuck your brains out tonight”?

Whew! That was a close one for you...

So I assume you are also against gay actors portraying straight characters?