
Second base.

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The same thing happened when Chelsea attended.

Is this a joke article or something?

It was a little more complicated than that. If a royal was hated it was more effective to remove their REN, or name, from history. This would literally fuck them up in the afterlife.

It’s more likely the two rooms contain both Ackenaten AND Nefertiti. Acks tomb in Amarna was empty and neither mummy has ever been found.

As producer did Oprah ever pay MOnique what she was really owed for Precious or is she still shivving her?

Weird. I thought BLM was about reforming police departments to not target black males and now I find out it’s about instituting an affirmative action quota program on college grades and hiring POC in excess of their distribution in the community.

Who's Ashanti?

You made your bed, quit complaining now that you don't like the sheets.

Weird, it was SJWs who coined the phrase SJW to describe themselves.

“As one president wrote, ‘The national issues have manifested at my campus as a genuine focus on eliminating the disparity in student academic achievement by ethnicity and on being more proactive in diversifying the faculty.”

Of course, in SJW doublespeak “dialogue” means “sermon”.