
The biggest lie in politics is that the general election is not a zero sum game. Not voting at all, or voting for anyone other than his biggest opponent, IS a vote for Trump. There is nothing symbolic or meaningful about it. Voting for Nader in 2000 did not lead to better environmental policy when Bush won. Writing in

Guys, all David Brooks is trying to point out is that Hillary is a shrill humorless bitch who yells too much but doesn’t show enough emotion and also forced her husband to fuck interns while she plotted to murder Vince Foster with Benghazi emails and also Whitewatered and was the first person in history to ever get

Riiiiight. Clinton is disliked because she needs a hobby. Did he read this?

A man literally shouts over her in debates and she is later told she came across as too angry.

Followed by, “Her smile is so fake.”

Jia, I love you. Thank you for writing this. I saw David Brook’s article earlier and was stunned that he could be so utterly clueless. This election year might do me in yet, but your words have extended my sanity.

Gee Dave, you think that 40 years of a fucking smear campaign by any right winger with a dick would have some lingering effects? You’ve got Alex Jones and Roger Stone raising money for Wiley to go on the attack against Bill. The entire boy brigade at Fux News trashes her on the daily.

Attacks again Hillary started the day Bill Clinton started campaigning to become President. I remember the first big attack against her was that she didn’t bake cookies. Fucking cookies!! It’s ridiculous. Luckily she’s up against a nut like Trump. There may be many nuts supporting him and will vote for him but there’s

“When she had a 66% approval rating she was also a woman; so something else changed between then a now.”

Indeed it did. What changed is she was DOING a job, versus INTERVIEWING for a job. There are studies coming out suggesting that women get fantastic marks for doing a job, but as soon as they ask for a

If, as you say, Clinton is really a moderate Republican, then her positions should be right in line with at least a portion of the Republican party. Because I totally remember how the Republicans are all about providing access to abortion, raising the minimum wage, implementing gun control, and preventing climate

When she had a 66% approval rating she was also a woman; so something else changed between then a now, and Brooks is looking at that.

I like her and I am going to vote for her in the GE. That is all.

Oh no, this got shared to Gawker. Be prepared for the butt hurt Bernie lovers...

I ... are you high? Do you believe that, only now, in these “enlightened times” people know some of their politicians are corrupt? How old are you? Twelve??? I’m guessing you do not remember, did not live through the time of Richard Nixon.

Mr. Brooks also avoids mention of the 25 year smear campaign orchestrated by Republicans and the right wing media. Nor does he mention any part that he or the New York Times have played in hyping every breathless “scandal” that comes from said sources. (Travelgate! Whitewater! She killed Vince Foster because he was

Brooks’ article reads like the synopsis of a Hallmark movie.

Short version of David Brooks article: “Smile! Why aren’t you smiling?”

It’s also hard watching folks parrot the talking points of the right while attacking her from the left, all with the smarm and sexism folks claim they fight against. In the past week I’ve seen people talk about “not having a dog in the fight” against those trying limit women’s reproductive rights (because the


I’ve come to notice conservatives most often refer to her as “That bitch.”