
I don’t know who the fuck you think you are responding to me in such a manner when I didn’t speak to you that way. Obviously you are not too bright if you say things like “I’m willing to sacrifice my short-term well-being for long-term benefits for my kids though.” Ignorant folks such as yourself are definitely the

TRUMP IS AN ACTUAL RAPIST. I am not going to worry about what you want to insinuate Hillary did (but don’t have an iota of proof that she did) 20 years ago when you’re using it to back up the nasty ad of AN ACTUAL RAPIST.

take that June poll and stick it up your ass, Chicken Little.

Are we supposed to ignore that Bill and Hillary are two separate people and Hillary is the one running? And also that Trump himself has numerous serious allegations of rape, assault and sexual harassment (and, to be clear, he actually is running)?

Yes, neither Bernie Sanders nor Hillary Clinton have been accused of rape. However, one of those candidates said women fantasize about being raped...

Sanders is a disgrace

There are candidates who have not been accused of rape btw - just sayin.

Please provide citations re: Your allegations.

Right back at ya, from the opposite side. For MONTHS bernie supporters have been mercilessly trolling Hillary’s fb page, calling her a criminal and for her to be jailed, misrepresenting her record, repeating ths republican smears and viciously attacking her supporters who defended her. Literally within minutes of her

I wish I believed that, but none of his, his wife, or Weaver’s statements give me any reason to believe that, not does his reputation in the Senate. I don’t think it’ll be a problem to get him to give a weak endorsement, but saying we need to stop Trump isn’t enough, he will need to actually support her, and I hope

Do you actually know people who won’t vote for Hillary if/when Bernie doesn’t get the nomination? Or are you 100% making these people up as a straw man? Because literally not one Bernie supporter that I know has threatened not to vote for Hillary come November. Like, not even the most hard core of them.

Agreed. I was happy to vote for Bernie last month, and I’m happy to vote for Hillary in 6 months.

Just like the mid-terms when all the progressives stayed home and now we’re stuck with the tea baggers in Congress. :/

At this point, after reading all the ridiculous tin-foil-hat accusations thrown at Hillary, i.e. She killed Vince Foster (and countless others), she’s secretly a lesbian (God forbid!) and the idea that she’s “a republican in disguise” even though she and Bernie share the same views 93% of the time, I’m starting my

Shailene Woodley is black?! Now that IS surprising.

The only question I "might" ask: "Do people really care what celebs say about politics, because our rapacious and hungry media outlets are really the only ones winning here." Likely she will never achieve Sarandon 'fame' or credibility. Too bad, because Sarandon is awful.

Ugh I'm a Bernie supporter and am nothing like this. Fuuuck

The real question is, is she gonna be a Sarandon-type and perhaps tell kids not to vote in the general, or to vote for Trump, because it will bring the “revolution” (lol sure) faster than if Hillary is president? Because if yes, fuck her. If she’s just in it for the ride until Hillary wins the nomination, fine.

I clicked into this article just to find out who Shailene Woodley is. Funny enough, I watched the first two of those Divergent movies. Still didn’t remember who she was.

The person who is against feminism and thinks it’s important to sunbathe her vagina?