In 2002 the Berniebros making these ridiculous claims about Clinton were still dangling their feet while eating their after school snack.
In 2002 the Berniebros making these ridiculous claims about Clinton were still dangling their feet while eating their after school snack.
Right? You could certainly make the argument that Jezebel is pro-Hillary, but Gawker? Gawker’s been excoriating Hillary and proclaiming Bernie the savior of all mankind for months.
ABSOLUTELY. I’d say it about any candidate. There’s no need necessarily to apologize for supporters getting worked up - it happens! Not usually the candidates’ fault! People are crazy! But you do have to condemn it and frankly, he toed the line of condoning it. (His statement implied to me that all’s fair - he was the…
On the nose: NOTHING HAPPENS IN A VACUUM. The behavior of these psycho supporters has been escalating for months— nobody can pretend that there’s been any effort to quell it, nobody can pretend they didn’t see this coming, and nobody can pretend they’re surprised that the White Male 18-25 Demographic would ever resort…
He can’t keep calling his campaign a “political revolution” and then pretend it’s not his fault when people take the revolution part literally.
I had a friend say this exact same thing to me yesterday, “But his life story should tell you he doesn’t support this kind of thing.” Yet, when push comes to shove, he seems to support this exact kind of thing because he won’t own that his supporters did this and he won’t condemn their behavior. The emperor has no…
I’m in California and was ready to vote for Bernie in a couple of weeks, but I suddenly don’t want to be associated with the side that devolves to the tactics of Trump supporters. It’s like being a Yankee or Cowboys fan, and realizing those other fans are the worst.
Because disappointment is a part of life, and learning to deal with it in a manner that is not self-serving (or self-destructive...) is vital. I could very well say “fuck it” and not vote or vote 3rd party in November without any real consequences to my own life. Very few, if any, of the GOP’s increasingly evangelical…
Not really a Sanders supporter, but I’ve been utterly turned off by how Sanders reacts to a loss. He can’t just congratulate Clinton, or her team and volunteers, without suggesting that the only reason why she won was that the primary was rigged in the same sentence. I’m not looking for someone to be the leader of my…
Had this conversation just a couple days ago. I praised Clinton and stated that Sanders can’t win (AND that he’s not a perfect candidate anyway). Guy said it’s sad that I’ve “given up” on progressivism and idealism. I was like nope, I haven’t given up - I just don’t think progressivism lives and dies on the success of…
Can we also remember for five seconds who/what Citizens United was? It was a group of Republican trolls who wanted to air unlimited falsehoods and attacks against Hillary Clinton. I THINK SHE AGREES IT WAS BAD.
See, I disagree on Gawker’s slant. They’ve been hardcore berning for a while now, and only as his prospects fade are they tacking back to a more neutral space. I mean, they’re still posting things like Hillary Claims to Win Kentucky or whatever their headline was, but they aren’t inserting stories like Hillary Clinton…
Also, how is being forced to attend a meeting concerning your duties, confirm basic contact info, and register as a member of the party whose convention you will be attending “unfair”???
There is also a difference between adults getting angry that the government doesn’t appear to be acting in the interests of the common people, and adults throwing temper tantrums because they didn’t bother to read the rules included in the board game and now they are angry they only advanced 15 spots instead of 17.
I agree with you, but a lot of the “Bernie bros” I’ve seen on places like Reddit are not Democrats/progressives, they’re libertarian white guys who like the “anti-establishment” and pro-pot aspects of Bernie but don’t care about things like women’s rights (feminists ew!) or racial issues (just stop breaking the law…
“But how, just how in the fucking world are my fellow Dems/progressives devolving into such rabid zealots. . .”
But what about these rules are unfair. It seems pretty darn fair that you have to be a registered Democrat to be a Democratic delegate. That does not count as unfair.
Nope, when you do not even bother to show up to support your own cause, you lose. I understand the underlying argument, but this is pure entitlement on their part.
Not when they start issuing death threats or stop thinking the rules that apply to everyone else don’t apply to them. Then, no.
in short, 64 Sanders delegates at the convention were disqualified, according to the state party, either because they failed to show up, failed to register as Democrats by May 1, or because they didn’t respond to attempts to confirm their phone numbers or addresses.