
her continuing marriage to a man I think has repeatedly mistreated if not actually abused women

Wtf are you even talking about? Really, delusional much?

Maaaan, when has it NOT been the age of the manchild? I’m pushing 50 & am still waiting for those motherfuckers to go out of fashion. Tick tock....

there are already too many things in this world with his name emblazoned upon them, i dont want to contribute any more.

I ugly-cried watching the inauguration, when I saw her stop at the top of the stairs before heading out to what should have been her inaugration, and the camera zoomed in, and you could see her swallow and take a deeep breath, and then she marched out, head held high. As much as I hated to watch that inauguration

Yeah. I had my issues with her - her penchant for secrecy when openness would have been preferable, her continuing marriage to a man I think has repeatedly mistreated if not actually abused women - but she’s smart as hell and cool under pressure, and I think she is a genuine patriot and a caring person who really

Not a requirement but it is expected protocol. Like releasing your tax returns when you’re running for president...

Utterly OT, but I don’t even care.

Thank you for this. I usually agree 100% with Kara but I can’t get on board with this. I am a black American woman, over 30 and this was my first protest. I usually only give money to the causes I support but felt the need to stand in solidarity and make my presence known this time. My friends and I went to a Women’s

I think what Kara misses is that there are multiple forms of pressure that citizens can apply to the government. So many media commenters smugly noted that the protests were based in cities and states that already overwhelmingly voted against Trump; however, these regions also are the economic engines for the

Yes. The catharsis and relief of being around like-minded individuals finally made me feel something other than the despair and hopelessness that I’d felt since November.

Can we not with this “elite” business? You do know the majority of Clinton voters made $50,000 or less. Can we stop with this divisiveness against Clinton voters, who are more often less wealthy and more often women of color?

Yup. That’s why I had a pretty great high after attending our tiny hastily thrown together march. In an area that went hard for Trump in a swing state it was downright heartwarming seeing hundreds of like-minded individuals. I made a ton of acquaintances with progressives in an area I ALWAYS felt alone in.

I work for an advocacy organization. We all went to the march, with our friends and our families.

Ed Sheeran is terrible.

yeah I kept seeing people trying to make sure that people pointed out that men showed up too on my Facebook and that kind of started to piss me off. Like if the men that went really cared about the movement they could give a rat’s ass if they are mentioned. I know I don’t and if you want to see the best example of

The concern trolling is strong with Ms. Petula. Nevermind President Pussygrabber and his gross obsession with his daughter, nevermind the reality of second class citizenship women across the country face when republicans govern them, the pussyhats are the REAL problem here.

That headline is garbage just like the person and people who wrote it.

Yeah, the New York Times ran a piece on how funny it was that all the poor, suffering menfolk in Montclair had to take care of the children for one entire day all by themselves! One fellow even had to miss the game! These are crazy times we’re living in when it’s the women who go off and do the protesting!

I hope that author of that piece gets dragged to hell for this. And, I’ll start: