
The Orange Child’s “post-truth” communications strategy is really making me ill. Today he declared that his inauguration crowd was “the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.” Meanwhile photographic evidence scoffs at the idea in regards to physical attendance, and several different online and

It was also Hillary’s fucking slogan!

I can’t even begin to put into words how much these protests have uplifted me. I’ve been following along all day and this is probably the happiest I have felt since before the election. Not just from seeing people of all genders, races, and sexualitys protesting together all over the country but also internationally.

“I want to unite everybody because as a team we’re stronger together.”

About 1,000 people gathered today in Piazza del Pantheon, in Rome. Mostly Americans, some Italians, too: the organizers got in touch with a few local organizations. I honestly wasn’t expecting such a good turnout for something that got so little publicity.

A couple of hours ago in freezing Vienna, Austria ;) Have fun, DC!

The march here doesn’t start for two hours so my bff and I are grabbing a light breakfast before we march.

We’re down here in Dupont Circle today. There’s so much incredible energy everywhere, so much resistance, so much power in womanhood. Our allies in the gay community are breathing a new life into our battles. It’s time to do battle against those who would oppress the other.

Sarsour using Hillary’s words without attribution and deliberately slighting her (or doing a darn good impression on social media of deliberately slighting her) hardly works against the “Bernie Bros” critiques!

Thank you for this protest. There is a profound disconnect between criticising Trump for his identity politics, and cutting HRC out of the picture...while using HRC’s statements without credit.

I did watch the video of the full talk.

I commend her for her work prior to this; unfortunately, this business has sullied it a bit. I see a few people on here discussing white feminism as the issue, but let’s have a reality check here. White women were not the majority voters for Clinton in this election. As a white woman, it pains me to say it, but it’s

I hadn’t heard her name before yesterday, but the comments she’s made about this seem incredibly petty and small-minded. I’m glad to hear she’s done some good work because my first impression of her was not good.

Thank you so much for this. I was born during the Clinton administration and it has been so confusing hearing all this shit on the left raking her over the coals but only remembering vague things like ‘she fought for health care’. Not that I didn’t do any research on her this election cycle, but it’s hard to get a

I agree, and she’s been really cruel about it, saying things like, if Clinton people don’t show, at least people marching (her words) for the “right reasons” will be there. That’s a pretty low thing to say.

Hillary Clinton was raked over the coals for not wanting to bake cookies and be a GOP defined, nice, white First Lady who kept her mouth shut. Donna Shalala, the Secretary of Health and Human Services at the time & literally dozens of public health organizations were involved in defining the needs of the populace and

That is a perfectly valid sentiment. But, I’m not holding my breath on anyone in the GOP having a vertebrae and willingness to stand up to Orange Julius Ceasar.

O/T: A follow-up for those who were wondering: Only 18 Rockettes showed up (out of 30 regulars)

A reminder from Chris Rock.