
So you think he wears the pearls so people can’t accuse him of being homophobic? He likes big black dick so he isn’t racist, according to him. Thank you so much for posting this. I had no desire to watch the show at all. But hearing Larry tell him to go fuck himself was beautiful music that made me whoop and holler.

M.Y. is basically a con artist just like Trump only not as good at conning people than Trump.

Yep. He used to do Gamergate stuff and then worked his way into the Alt-Right in order to stay relevant. Man’s an opportunist.

He is not a liberal. He’s a right wing, racist, mysogynist, homophobic, transphobic bastard wearing an “I’m a liberal” mask. I’m a white liberal and I would give my right nipple for the chance to kick his testicles so hard that he’ll be wearing them as a bowtie for the rest of his fucking life.

About 20 seconds for the

Thanks for excerpting the only part I needed to watch.

I would argue that all 3 of those women get called out/have gotten called out for their white privilege and racist comments all the time in a way that I don’t see Maher get called out by anyone. I would argue that it’s less a white liberal issue and more of a white liberal guy issue. It’s the same with Bernie, god

Jill Stein, of course, was at the same table. (But it was Flynn’s son, not Flynn, who was removed from the transition team.)

Good point. Yates is looking better in DT world, which they will not acknowledge ever. Our prez loves an ass kisser and will soon see how well that fetish serves him.

The fact that leaks keep coming out that Pence didn’t know have been shall we say interesting...

There is talk, tonight, that John McCain and Lindsay Graham (along with other unnamed Republican Senators) may want to have a (public) word with Mike.

But... but... Kate McKinnon didn’t even have the time to play him on SNL!

Now playing

The only reason he’s out is because of this being found out by the news media. We NEED to find out what’s going on with this administration and Russia. This shit is way out of control. Trump knew this happened and I’m totally convinced he ordered it and Flynn is the fall guy.

I FUCKING LOVE IT!! I’m such a slut for Katy Perry. I’ve probably listened like, 30 times already.

I thought that was a woman, I thought I heard her voice. Nevertheless, well done everyone there!

forcibly turned away by protesters Friday when she attempted to enter a DC middle school

I actually kind of love Katy Perry. I’m not crazy about most of her music, but she just seems like she’s having fun with it, which I really appreciate, and I dig her whole shtick. She has good politics, and her tits are amazing, and she knows it. You go, girl.

Well this Taylor quite enjoyed it thank you very much.

OT, but WTF? lol

I have waited so long for this and I am super excited for an actual album and I don’t care who knows it.

Wow not even close. He is not a saint. He has had his own scandals but he was obscure enough to have a bit of a buffer. He is not popular with veterans since he often sided with unions over veterans as chairman of the VA.. His support of using F 35 joint strike fighter that brought jobs to Vermont but costs tax payers