
And are all the slurs that you think of as having negligible impact anti-woman ones? Or do you feel the same way about the non/importance of the impacts of any anti-gay, anti-POC, anti-disability, or anti-semitic slurs?

Do other slurs barely move the needle for you or just misogynistic slurs?

Yes to all of that. This card that people use is so old and they just defend it with teeths and claws, it’s almost incredible. You read these extremely offensive things and ask yourself ‘did they really say that?’ and yes, they really did say that. There’s so much evil, but at least there’s nice people like you, so

People who pretend to not see color are often just racists in denial. I got called a bitch twice (by supposedly another woman) for highlighting WHY black people would care about this joke. Not very open to disagreement, that one. Hope the rest of your day is less frustrating!

Right???? I’m so aggravated.

Disagreement doesn’t equal misunderstanding, but here’s a short sentence back: You sound like a racist fuckwad. (6 words, that too long for you?)

??But wHy would that be a BLACK ISSUE?!?!?!

I do understand what you said, but it doesn’t excuse the way he talked to the woman. Anyway, have good life, I’m done.

Then you’re just a shitty person. It’s clear why black people would be offended by that. You’re probably just a anti-PC asshole that doesn’t understand that free speech doesn’t actually protect making racist comments. I’m also not even fucking debating whether there is such a thing as political correctness in comedy

‘Don’t marry black people’ and then proceeded - with a very rude tone, for laughs- to call a black woman bitch because he offended her race and she wasn’t having it. If she went by his school of thought and called him a rapist, like the nazi running the country, things would’ve been taken to a whole ‘nother level.

No, challenging or making fun of hecklers is. This was a childish, unoriginal, unfunny reaction and only indicated that he was WAY too easily offended.

I just typed out a response to you explaining again, but then realized you’re probably not ACTUALLY that stupid. You understand just fine why it’s a black issue, you’re just a troll.

any decent comedian can shut things down without losing it like George did. It’s a part of the business

The joke George Lopez made referenced not liking black people. Fucking read.

SO many “wholesome” entertainers are demeaning towards women when they aren’t on TV. In the eighties I went to see Jay Leno do stand up in Daytona on spring break. He was so amazingly hateful towards women, I never liked him after that. 30 years is a long time to hold a grudge, but I am a master.

Latinos don’t like people parking in front of their houses? Huh. They have that in common with Western Pennsylvanians, then - Western PA folk have perfected the art of placing a lawn chair in the street to “reserve” their spot.

Because we’re supposed to just shut up, sit pretty, and always jump at the chance to get fucked by them.

Why the hell are the allegedly “wholesome” entertainers, Cosby and Lopez, so foul mouthed and defensive at the drop of a hat, especially towards women? Is Jim Gaffigan next?

Ya, this happened to me at a comedy club (Yuk Yuks). The warm up acts were pretty funny and only vaguely vulgar. The headliner came out and it was over the top vulgar and misogynist. One of our group took offense and stood up to object - he went off on us like a crazy person. We left and I have never gone back. I

“Sit your fuckin’ ass down! Sit your fuckin’ ass down! I’m talking, bitch. So sit your fucking ass down!” The rest of the audience loves this, so he keeps going and going, like the Energizer bunny’s haggard older brother.