
Jason Chaffetz, hero to Bernie Bros everywhere.

I wanted to see Feud but then Susan Sarandon’s b.s. during the election.

i am the WORST at recognizing them. no matter how long i’ve been here, still can’t do it. damnit.

speaking as a queer millennial woman, i’m so unimpressed with any of the white male liberals grandstanding and pretending to speak for me.

Dammit, I just googled Grushkova - it is a tomato.

Goddamit, he does not look like John Lewis.

The comment where he first described raping his wife was astounding. He was explaining how the rape described the article couldn’t possibly be rape, because he routinely ignores his wife saying no and then has sex with her once she stops trying to physically fight him off — and obviously it would be ludicrous to call

Yeah, I won’t be tuning in for that disaster, and I have no intention of ever referring to that malignant Russian plant as anything other than The Donald or the Illegitimate Oompa Loompa.

Seriously. Why he was some lauded and followed commentator on Gawker made me fucking sick. For those of you who don’t know.......he straight up laughed about raping his wife on multiple occasions, didn’t care about her consent and said he would raise his daughter “the same way”. Any rape story either on Jezebel or

Ha! There’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile. One small upside to losing Gawker was not having to listen his daily misogyny and rape apology.

At least now we know what BobbySerious has been up to.

Identify: “lazy people who choose not to work”.

I’m not sure what your questionnaire has to do with my comment but I appreciate the reminder that Trump supporters never deviate from their base, simplistic talking points, and seem to apply their checklist of ignorant, poorly distilled assumptions to every argument. The Hannity Guidebook will only take you so far in

This. Like, Trump is the red line if there ever was one. It’d be hard enough with a McCain or Romney, but Trump is the literal embodiement of everything wrong and evil in the world, not just someone to be opposed because of his politics.

you’re ok because you’re “one of the good ones”—you conform to his ideas of how women (i’m guessing white women?) are supposed to behave so you’re acceptable and not a subject of his bigotry. that’s certainly the case with my stepdad and my mom—she never challenges his ideas about how women should be (demuring and

Frankly, the fact you would roll your eyes over people drawing a line over this is part of the problem. We aren’t all going to shut out the Trump voters in our lives, as things are complex. Acting like we SHOULD “rise above”, though, like it’s some trivial matter? Nope. Not for a minute.

This was a lame-ass excuse I heard:

Thank you. I am Black, female, and atheist. I literally CANNOT be “friends” with someone who supports Orange. That person doesn’t support my humanity.

Hmmmm. I don’t begrudge people for holding onto old friendships despite massive political differences or their friends naively supporting truly dangerous, hateful politicians. Its esp. complicated for people living in parts of the South or certain small towns where they may be a part of the liberal minority.

I don’t live in the US, so I guess I don’t understand the cultural context..... but to me, anyone who voted for Trump thinks that racism and sexual assault are acceptable behavior. I therefore have a difficult time understanding how the good could outweigh the bad having people like that in your life. I mean, clearly