
It’s not that they’re (we’re) white. It’s that they get defensive and shitty when matters of race and class are centered.

I’ve found a very useful way to explain it is “Just because you have white/male/able-bodied/etc. privilege doesn’t mean bad things don’t happen to you. It just means bad things don’t happen to you (or are exacerbated) because you’re white/male/able-bodied/etc.”

It’s such bullshit. It’s just another case of The Left Eating Itself. Everyone put your fucking Oppression Olympics on hold for just one fucking day and get together to protest Trump. Jesus WEPT.

Because the people on my own team are still unintentionally scoring runs for Team Trump and costing runs for Team Liberal.

I was really confused by this too, but then I read the linked article and they’re right. It’s important to note first, that this march IS organized by women of color, and they chose to make the focus of this march women of color and immigrants (aka, the women who will have the most to lose in this administration), and

There’s a LOT of self-righteous score-settling in the liberal and progressive communities.

At this point I’d take being a sheeple if it meant avoiding being killed in a nuclear war set off by a tweet from the crazy man in the White House.

I don’t think pushing them aside is the answer either- but neither is mocking and condescension, such as in the article.

This is exactly why we are where we are. Progressives (and I consider myself one of them) have developed an ‘all or nothing’ view of the world. If a person does not agree with or support EVERY single one of our ideologies simultaneously then we don’t want them.

Yeah, I understand criticizing the prevailing white complacency, but this seemed needlessly brutal for an event that aims to do good...? If this article was more about a critique of the March itself and less about anti-choice people “infiltrating” it, I’d understand, but fuck.

White women who are attending this rally did not vote for Trump, and it does no good to fight with them as a group.

One of our local anti-choice groups that are huge dicks will also be there to provide ‘outreach’ to marchers. I am too excited that I may get to see them; I will not be wearing a Clinic Escort Vest, and therefore be able to say everything I’ve ever thought about them. Stupid self-righteous Fucking pricks.

Well, they will be way to spot in the crowd of women. With few exceptions the most vocal anti abortionist (and anti women’s rights) activists are men.

Really? Really? Can we ever...EVER stop eating our own? We (progressives) have the biggest single enemy (obvious) to defeat since...Christ I don’t even know who...and we’re still doing this? We’re going to criticize and alienate white people who are late to the party for being late to the party? Now is not the

What she said was that football and mixed martial arts “are not art”.

Football and MMA isn’t art. I don’t see what was the problem with pointing that out. It’s entertainment, sure, but it isn’t art.

Follow Elizabeth Warren for your dose of Dem refusing to back down!

I can’t wait for the Angry Donald Tweet Storm response:

The Carrie Fischer quote to close tipped me right over into bawling my eyes out territory.

I’ve always liked Meryl and thought she was an incredible actress. I didn’t jump on the bandwagon until tonight. I was so glad she used her privilege, forum, and position to speak so articulately, measured, and honestly. I hope many more do and learn from her. Brava, Meryl. Brava.