
That’s Secretary Clinton. Suck a dick.

Speak for yourself. 3 million of us would very much like her to stick around.

Try reading the article next time.

Wow. A lot of people did not read the article.

Governor seems a far more likely fit. And I could see it. But for right now Im enjoying Hill In The Wild.

Every time I see a “What Hillary should do” piece, a voice in my heads pipes up with “Hillary is free now” in Dobby’s voice. Seriously. Hillary is free now, and she ain’t coming back to be your mayor.

I, for one, don’t want her to go away. She’s an incredibly smart and capable woman with a lifetime of public service who should be leading some sort of fight against the rise of hate and fear 💩’s election has spawned. What that role is I have no clue, but I’d gladly support her.

What the fuck do you want from her? She can’t control some right wing crackpot newspaper from floating some unsourced story about her, and she can’t keep media organizations from reporting on it. She’s not responsible for everyone else’s lack of professionalism.

Thing is, she has gone away. Gracefully. These are other people injecting her into something she hasn’t any desire to be a part of. So maybe direct your ire elsewhere?

It’s helter-skelter, baby. All bets are off. Do what you want to do. Girl, you better run.

Thank you.

Let me know when people are willing to show up to off-year elections as I do.

wow, this is a real shame.

Thank you for explaining it to me. I was under the delusion that they were doing it for upvotes on Reddit.

I think she completely froze. It was like she got hit once and then forgot everything about fighting. It was disturbing to watch. When does a champion (who should still be in her prime) ever look like that? At least she should have been able to go a couple of rounds.

Evidently her coach didn’t teach her how to move her head. She ate every punch Nunes threw clean and hasn’t been hurt often enough to know how to react in that situation. It’s too bad that these back to back losses will now be what’s remembered.

Ronda’s career is latest death in 2016

I believe this, a lot of people believe this. However, I think Obama publicly stating this in an interview is a bit...unbecoming of a departing president.

Yes, this pales in comparison to the garbage Trump pumps out on a weekly basis, but I think it’s important that the Dems “go high.”