
This is my great dream. How do we make this super concert happen?

Dumbass guy I knew from our hick hometown voted for Johnson because he was AWAKE and wasn’t going to be taken for a fool by our two-party system. Nope. God forbid a straight white guy be taken for a ride. Way to go, RJ, you fucking dicksmack.

Fuck him. Fuck Trump. Fuck the electors. Fuck the Berniebros who protest voted. Fuck anyone who could have easily voted but actively chose not to.

Yup and traitors to their profession. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Then she did, and it didn’t count. Then she did another one, and another one, and immediately everyone forgot that they had been counting the days. Meanwhile only the left-wing media says anything about how Trump hasn’t held a press conference in five months.

Why the fuck is this cretin holding a press conference if everything is off the record??? He can cram his stale leftover burger buns and off brand baloney into that face anus of his.

Remember the outrage because Hillary hadn’t held a press conference in however many days? I guess it’s OK if you have a dick.

I hope Mike Allen, Chuck Todd, and Megyn Kelly have to share a duplex in hell for the sins they have committed. Edward Murrow is their landlord and he is not lenient!

THIS IS NOT NORMAL. I thought watching chuck todd’s pie eating grin in the lobby of Trump tower was an embarrassment to journalism, but this is just on a whole other level.

I hate to say it, but this story is actually about Ethics In Journalism.

The Buckeye Show tonight had a pathetically bad segment on this. It
A) failed to understand what consent legally was
B) failed to understand that people frequently don’t struggle when they’re raped
C) failed to realize that police tend to be pretty lenient towards football players

Read other sources. This video is not the only statement that’s been made and he most certainly did say that. From the Washington Post:
“We’re concerned that our brothers have been named publicly with reckless disregard in violation of their constitutional rights. We are now compelled to speak for our team and take

I’m not going to be stupid by putting out my opinion on what did or did not happen in this specific situation since I wasn’t there. However, who in their right mind thought it would be a good idea to get involved in a scenario like this? Unless there was a notarized contract signed under the supervision of 3

Or it’s just missing from this video, which starts fairly obviously in the middle of a sentence. Other news outlets reporting on the story also mention the line.

This IS ugly. All around. What makes a group of football players think it’s a good idea to bring a girl into an apartment and “take turns” fucking her, even if they truly believed it was “consensual”? What’s more, the video clips don’t prove a goddamn thing. Was the whole hour and half of this gang rape recorded?

“he wanted the chance to “make our program great again.””

The Holiday Bowl should release the following statement:

“make our program great again”

He urged the Holiday Bowl committee to be “patient” and said that he wanted the chance to “make our program great again.”