
This is my great dream. How do we make this super concert happen?

cry baby obummer


a hatemonger - Hillary Clinton united who exactly? Minorities wouldn’t even support her this time around, which is mind-blowingly bad. Yeah, she spreads it just as much - she’s just a little more tactful about it.

You know, thank you for your honesty. I saw one of your earlier comments, rife with misogyny, and I thought “Holy shit, this guy hates women. He must be single. Or....” Your comment here confirmed my latter thought. I thought straight men were hateful, but damn, when yall don’t want to fuck us, you take your disdain

Obamacare...that GOP proposed idea? Seriously it’s what the GOP proposed in the 90s in response to HillaryCare.

“Good night and good luck.”

Yeah, but Hillary had some emails so that makes it even, right?

Hey, look. A Troll. Uses the term “snowflake” and pretends that the GOP never said things like “our job is to make Obama a one term president”, or “he does not think like we do”, “he’s a Kenyan” or any of ther other coded bullshit ass messages they let float out there for dumbasses to believe. My response is not for

Seriously, and remember the literal months in committee before Baucus realized what was going on and gave up on getting GOP votes? The process took an entire damn year and all we hear in comments is the same “rammed it down our throats” talking points about a bill that was passed with a supermajority.

Honestly, where do you get this crap about the ACA? Max Baucus literally spent months working to get bipartisan support for the bill in committee. There’s a reason it was passed in 2010 and not 2009. And how is it a technicality to pass the bill with 60 votes, then use normal reconciliation to standard with the

“In closing, you’re just a massive hypocrite, a big reason people like me sit in the middle and feel disgust by people on both sides of the aisle...”

I’m not sure what I love more: your revisionist history about the healthcare bill or your dumbass transcript trutherism. Really making it tough here.

If you think that the ACA made it through congress without any debate, you weren’t paying any attention. I spent over a month of my life glued to C-SPAN while they were hashing out the details of that bill. There was plenty of debate and the Republicans brought absolutely nothing to the table that would make any

“You cant play chess with a pidgeon.

And enjoy those Klan campfires with your moral minority, I suppose.

We won’t move. Well just watch your cheetos Jesus destroy himself and the country, then come in and clean up after the deplorables like we always do.

Actually I think you right wingers would be more comfortable in Iran. You get to hate outsiders, promote religious zealotry, and be as shitty to women as you’ve always wanted to. Sounds like your kind of place!

“as long as you feel both major party candidates deserve to be treated like shit, I can’t argue with that...”

“Ah, you must be a product of our education system at its finest.”