
...short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese...

Me also. He’s a sexist, bigoted asshole.

So here’s my question: Prom King, Cool Guy, Charisma, Charm...are women allowed to have these things generally? Forget politics for a second, in any arena, do we allow ourselves to think of women as cool, charismatic, and charming, and do we allow women to cultivate those characteristics? Because if we eventually

Yeah. I fucking loathe that man.

Under no circumstances would I vote for Bernie now, were he to get the nom. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Also Joe Biden co-wrote the 1994 “superpredator” crime bill and Bernie Sanders voted for its passage. So by the fair and equal standard that was applied to Hillary for speaking in support of the bill, they are both unreformed anti-black racists and the left can never support them.

I agree. If a person is not able to hold office at peak physical condition for 8 years, they have no business running. Their job now is to act as mentor for up and coming democratic stars.

I like Joe, but can never really forgive him for Anita Hill. I won’t even get started about Bernie, who needs to stfu about Hillary. We need solidarity right now.

Yep. I’d vote for literally anyone over Trump. I’d vote for that lady in Italy who just turned 116 and says she lived so long cause she’s single. But since there are dozens of eligible candidates, and not just a centenarian and an evil crazy-person, it’s probably a good idea to narrow it down to the ones that are

No one should run for president unless we can be confident that they can serve for two terms; in my opinion, that means 70 or younger; preferably younger. The presidency ages a person as if they lived double the amount of years that actually passed.

Meh. Even if the Bernster were 35, he still thinks women’s healthcare is a distraction issue and Planned Parenthood is part of Teh Ebil Establishment, so no thanks, either way.

We have a few people, but Dems also need to understand that there is more to governing than the presidency. They should be fostering talent to fill statehouses and governorships and the House.

Thank you! I think electing a 70 year old president is pushing it, much less an 80 year old.

Okay, but who will the Democrats run against him? He sure as shit is not now and has never been a Democrat, and the DNC sure as fuck are never giving him another penny.

She didn’t even win her district.

Nope i do not want either of them. They both have been downplaying how much this election was about racism. Especially Joe who defended neo-nazi Jeff Sessions’ because people change. If you are calling out Bernie for his awful comments about political correctness, you also need to do the same about Joe.

Bernie Sanders was too old to run for president four years ago. I’m glad we’ve at least reached the point where it’s okay to say this in polite society.

Trump is a mess.

That’s why I think Trump won’t make the four years not because of scandal or impeachment, but health. Dude doesn’t exercise or sleep, and eats fast food. He doesn’t have a real doctor so who knows what he has. He’s a walking quadruple bipass waiting to happen.

I was thinking the same thing when they both mentioned that they might run. Love the guys, but being president is a stressful job and stress isn’t very good on anyone’s health, especially the elderly.