
More slipping down the slope of conflicting interests....

Someone at work (a fellow HRC voter) told me to lighten up about all of this, and all I asked for were like 2 fucking days where he didn’t do something crazy. Two days where he doesn’t tweet at private citizens or make up lies about companies or the government or the media. Just two goddamn days.

This is so appalling. We already know Our Dear Leader has no morals so this isn’t a surprise but seriously, NBC?! At least we now know for certain that the media has no ethics. How on earth are they supposed to be impartial to what the president does when he’s on their freakin’ payroll?! Looks like I’m gonna have to

Dude, a Howard Dean scream was once seen as the height of insanity.

Ever since this orange shitstain got elected, absolutely nothing surprises me anymore. Like, any single one of the many absurd headlines he makes every day would have seemed noteworthy or controversial maybe 5 years ago. Any single one of his racist/sexist/ableist/etc. comments, any single conflict of interest, any

So “fun” to see all these people who disavowed Trump now kneeling hard to suck his orange dick.

Not really. He hit the social media lottery. There’s nothing remarkable or talented about him, but for some reason the planets alligned and tons of 5-12 year olds latched on to him. His content isn’t impressive in the slightest.

If the end result is less shrill shrieking on the internet, good.

No, that way of thinking is the problem. Why do you consider what she’s doing “shocking”? Because she is just as sexual as she was when she was in her 20's? Prince? Are you kidding me? First of all, he left some of the sexual stuff behind for religious reasons. But he was considered sexy, he didn’t change his ways at

Thank you. So much of the Madonna criticism I see hinges on ageism, frankly. Madonna has always pushed the envelope, and she is still doing that now, pushing against what people think someone her age should look like, or act like. But she’s Madonna and she has not only survived but thrived through decades of people

It’s so encouraging that the comments on a Jezebel article about one of the most successful women in the world, mirror Piers Morgan’s.

I’m so fucking sick of people trashing Madonna. You don’t like her, fine whatever. But I don’t get why it’s ok to call her old, ugly, washed up, crazy, trying to hard...it’s MADONNA. She hasn’t changed who she is almost 40 years and she’s not going to. As women we should applaud her for not giving in to the constant

But this approach, as well meaning as it is, will only serve to further divide our nation, when unity is what we need.

Bullshit. We don’t need unity. Unity requires we respect the deplorables. We can not give them credibility in their racism, misogyny, tenuous (if that) grasp on reality .

Thank you, John Kasich, for freeing me from the notion that there is a Republican politician worth spitting on if they catch on fire. It’s truly liberating.

Give it to Bernie!? How about give it to the well qualified woman who won the popular vote by 2.6 million votes and counting. Remember her?

Yeah, Kasich is a pretty terrible person despite how many of the “white moderates” he managed to fool. He looks good only compared to Trump. In a reasonable election Kasich would be seen as a Christian extremist.

Much Obliged.

There is NOTHING scarier than sliding out on the ice in your vehicle; it feels like two tons of cloud material til it hits something else.

It did seem a little odd that he didn’t at least have the sense to jump out of his car and furiously sweep the path with his curling broom.