
We’re about to have a conspiracy theorist running around in the White House.

Yeah, I’ve eaten at Comet Ping Pong many times and had intended to go eat there again to support it. I don’t think I can anymore, and I kind of think this is going to be it for the restaurant. It’ll go out of business pretty soon because of this.

This is why I laugh at the sad people smugly saying Bernie would have won if he had gotten the nom. He never had this smear cannon pointed in his direction. He would have buried under 20 tons of shit, and the fact that a few ounces were true (more ounces than HRC) would not have helped at all.

Slightly off topic, but I think Howard Dean should be the new DNC chair. Dean has the proven effective 50 state strategy. Which is exactly what the democratic party needs right now. It’s not about putting a rising star into the position; it’s about putting a strategist into the position. It’s not supposed to be a

Just remember white Christian males between the ages of 18 and 45 are the real victims here.


He needs to give up the ridiculous idea that he can be both a congressman and party chair, then give up the congressional seat and be the damn party chair. Was reading an article about how he boosted turnout by focusing on door-to-door done by diverse groups of people (so there’s someone who looks like you at your

Yeah because the Jews have REAAAALLY had it super easy.

I think it’s wee-bit dramatic to call the couple of articles documented here a smear campaign. The majority of the mainstream coverage of Ellison has been neutral or positive. A few articles have skewed negative and a couple have included weak and/or overblown references to possible past antisemitism/antisemitic ties

I’m sorry, I have to take exception - Farrakhan refers to Jews as the “Synagogue of Satan” (Detroit, May 2013) Farrakhan is also anti-LGBT & believes Isrealis/Jews are responsible for 9/11 - he is most certainly of the same clothe as David Duke.

KKK hates Jews too, but there are probably less instances of violence against Jews in the US because you can’t exactly tell if someone is Jewish just by looking at them.

So saying something racist or alligning with racists and supporting them makes you a racist, but anti-semitism is only deplorable when you act upon it? Otherwise, it’s just ‘words’?

Do we actually know what Ellison’s platform is for the DNC chair position? I like Ellison, but I haven’t heard any actual electoral strategies from him on how he intends to help the Democrats win in 2018 and 2020. He just talks about being better at getting our message out there. Howard Dean, on the other hand, seems

Liberals fall for this all the time. That’s why my feed has been full of stupid articles inviting me to empathize with white working classes, because their economic fears made them vote for a Nazi.

exactly - Ellison may not share Farrakhan’s sentiments but he also didn’t find those sentiments worthy of creating distance between himself and Farrakhan, that can be seen as somewhat problematic to a large swath of Jewish people.

Many white supremacists have never participated directly in violent acts against black people, but if they are mouthing the exact words that people used over the centuries to keep black people down, then it doesn’t really matter, does it?

Why do we care what right wing news and CNN, media sellout for ratings think at all? Is there some belief most liberals will fall for any of this? The real mistake right wing news makes is believing we’re as gullible as their usual readers.

Personally, I prefer Jaime Harrison and Howard Dean for the chair of the DNC, in that order, but...

I’d also sit there... except I wouldn’t be looking dumb, I’d be hopelessly repressing my rage from boiling over. These kind of responses are precisely why I have shut down communication with Trump supporters in my life. It’s not worth the headache, and you already know the answers before you ask the questions.