
At last this is being covered! It happened Monday night and most media outlets were covering other things, that’s partly why there’s resentment with the media.

My sister is getting married soon, and my father flat out told her not to even think about having kids until 2020 (when, we presume, the country will hate the GOP so much that the Dems will be able to kick some elephant ass), because he’s worried about what the world will be like for them. It’s sad that this is what

Thank you. We shouldn’t use anyone’s appearance as a weapon.

I’m with you, I don’t care about her at all, and I won’t lose any sleep if she reads these comments and cries herself to sleep tonight. I just think that when you make fun of someone for their appearance, you’re also making a lot of other people feel self-conscious about their own physical deficiencies and how

Educated white men still went for him something like 56%. And educated white women were like 38% I think? Clinto got 54% but he didn’t get all the rest. Now yes he cleaned up with uneducated whites with 62% of uneducated white women and a whopping 72% of uneducated white men. But he did pretty well among white people

Oh you’re on to something. The right has used the “threat” of black and brown men to white women as a back handed compliment forever. The same with preaching sexual purity as a virtue. They attempt to control women’s lives under the pretense of protecting them from the “others” because they (their wombs) are something

My reaction to this entire Trump situation - him, his people, his followers, his ‘ideas’, literally everything - has been abject disgust and rage. And like you I have such a visceral reaction to this it’s scary - it’s scary to learn how damaging my disgust could be if I gave it free rein...

There’s only one thing I disagree with you on in this post:

To paraphrase something I saw on twitter: he won white women because a small majority of them still think they can count on white men to protect them.

...are you guys seriously making fun of a woman for her looks on a feminist website? Is this what’s happening?

She is one of the worst parts of him winning. I HATE HER.

I really. Really. REALLY. Hate her smug little face. The mooning over Trump - particularly at his victory speech - is just getting over the top and disgusting. I hope he gives her nothing in return for her loyalty and throws her under the proverbial bus as soon as he can.

Ok, this is some straight-up tyrant dictator bullshit now.

I feel sorry for you. I still haven’t turned back on cable news. There is literally nothing constructive for me to derive anything from. I’ve seen a shit-load of movies on television since I kicked cable news.

Apparently he dislikes the following photo most of all, so of course it should be the one used, everywhere & anywhere, whenever tRump needs to be pictured (barf!).

To me this is laying the groundwork for voter ID laws and further voting suppression.


He loved to brag how he had larger rallies than her. If the popular vote was a rally, hers was bigger.

I can see how something like this would drive him absolutely insane. Yeah, he won but Clinton is still beating him by popular votes. More people voted for her rather than him. She is setting records and he is not.