
Glad to see you named yourself correctly.

Awww, what a sweet armchair diagnosis. I’m sure I speak for everybody when I say:

I will live on this hope for as many days as it takes. If I have to settle back into the anxious dreaded filled nightmare scape that has enveloped my life the past few weeks once again, at least I’ll have had these few days of envisioning a country that did not elect an insane person to lead it.

I disagree.

Name somebody they should have nominated and don’t say a 75-year-old, Jewish socialist. Clinton, such as she was, is the best the Democrats had to offer. Trying to rationalize a reason that Clinton only got approximately the same number of votes Barack Obama got in 2012 without focusing on the fact that Bernie Sanders

They didn’t pick Trump- he just beat the crap out of all the establishment candidate in somewhat of a fluky primary. The GOP establishment didn’t have the balls to take him down then and then just shut the hell up in hopes he could somehow win and let them do all the awful things they’ve always dreamed about.

Because the one they picked only managed to get the second or third highest total number of votes in the history of American elections. Stop making this about Clinton being reviled. Clinton should have won running away and likely would have had it not been for an idiotic primary challenge that decided there was

So we don’t insist on fair and accurate elections out of fear of extremists? Then why have an election at all?

Stein is doing this for herself and the Greens, *definitely* not for Hillary or the Dems (why would she?).

I think HRC is smart to have someone else do this on her behalf. If I were I’d stay as far away from this as possible. If it fails she won’t look like a sore loser. And if succeeds she might become President, although it’s probably wishful thinking.

Dear HRC: I keep thinking about that scene in The Abyss. You know the one where Ed Harris brings Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio back to life and, between bouts of CPR, he yells, “Goddammit, you bitch! You never backed away from anything in your life! Now fight!”? And she comes roaring back to life?

Maybe because Negan reminds us a little too much of a certain person who was recently elected? I like to work out my anxiety by getting scared of imaginary zombies, not have it amplified by getting scared of an imaginary dictatorial narcissist.

Exactly right. We need to focus on the white working class — at the exclusion of the non-white working class — so that we can win. Appealing to that is absolutely not identity politics — because white working class people have no identity.

If she asked for this, imagine the shit she would get. No, actually don’t because I want you to have a good day. But for rhetorical purposes.

I think you’re right. I honestly get an “I’m sooooo done” vibe from her at this point. The country treated her like shit for 30+ years. It’s pretty laughable for us to ask anything from her now.

I can’t tell you how much I love the fact that my vote is worth substantially less than votes from people who live in less populous states.

There’s no way Hillary rolled up a three million plus margin in the popular vote, which is where this is heading, and lost PA, WI & MI. Every other time someone won the electoral college but lost the popular vote, it was by a squeaker, by a few hundred thousand votes, but Hillary might have won the popular vote by

Pretty sure “white identity politics” just won the White House.

sounds like Barke Jungensen has no intention of properly hearing either of us out.

How about we finally let a woman that has spent her career being abused in nearly equal measures by the right and the left do what she fucking wants?