
No. Most people still see racists as degenerate scum.

Unfortunately, that makes people think that these people are just racist, fascist, xenophobes and leaves out the misogynist factor which is just as virulent.

Then you should go hang somewhere else. That’s what they are, and that’s what we’ll call them. They’re fucking proud of it. Let them fucking own it.

Whatever they are, I as a black man don’t have the privilege or time of worrying about what to call them. They are an existential threat to my well-being and life is what they are.

Maybe you should simply pull up your stakes and get the hell outta Dodge then.

We’re just giving thanks to the incoming Prez.

“Jesus Christ, do you fuckers think about anything else?”

Nope! This is the idiot that you nitwits selected and we are going to constantly remind you about him every fucking chance we get. So no matter how long he last he will always be YOUR BOY THAT YOU ELECTED. You asked for this so enjoy.

Nope, I’m 60 and the is by far going to be the worst pres ever, possibly the most dangerous man on the planet, and needs to be hounded out of office as quick as possible. BTW: He got 1.3 million LESS votes and we need to remind him of this every second of his administration.

It’s the Racist Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Let me answer your question with another question. How long did “the sky is falling, the end is nigh!” rhetoric from the conservative party last when Obama was elected president?

He was probably doing what most SANE individuals were doing at that time...wondering how hipster fucks like you could justify voting for a corrupt, rape enabling psychopath.

I honestly don’t think it will matter. He just has to say, “It’s Hillary and Obama’s fault! Also Muslims and Mexicans!” and they’ll go right on worshipping Trump and hating women and brown people.

I think Donald Trump is actually a racist. He’ll drive our economy into the dirt and make life shit for minorities....and the brain dead shit birds that voted for him will be happy.

My dad is still warring his Hillary pin. My dad went to Vietnam so he isn’t afraid if people say anything to him about it.

I’m eagerly awaiting the endless amount of columns soon to come out telling us how we have to empathize with the Alt-Right because of their socio-economic status

Please stop with the “alt-right.” They are neo-nazis. White supremacists. White Nationalists. Take your pick. But do not use the language they adopted to hide who they really are.

STOP calling them Alt Right!!! They are NEO NAZIS!! The fact that they’ve given themselves a harmless sounding name does not change what they truly are.

I hope everyone is ok and has a speedy recovery. Having said that, the term “hard helmet” bugs the hell out of me for some reason. Hard hat or a helmet. Pick one!