This is why all these arguments that “this was a change election” are garbage.
This is why all these arguments that “this was a change election” are garbage.
I heard the cries to give him a chance, then I heard the Steve Bannon news and saw the neonazis’ jubilation. Then I stopped.
Exactly. Also why they won’t care about Flynn having given classified information to unauthorized people even though Hillary should be locked up for emails. It was never about that. It was about restoring the white patriarchy to its rightful place. (Not that it had gone anywhere...)
You don’t have have choice. Our fellow ‘liberals’ didn’t believe HRC was liberal enough to vote for.
He also said that grabbing a woman by the pussy without consent is NOT sexual assault.
I know some think it’s a bit comical that Trump is (predictably) reneging his promises to his moron supporters that he’ll hire outsiders and “drain the swamp,” but you have to remember that anyone who voted for him never actually gave a shit about that. Hence why they also reelected the vast majority of incumbents.
Remember, Hillary wasn’t liberal enough. Either we want the perfect candidate or just blow it all to hell, apparently.
Y’all I am trolling Twitter to clapback at the Trump supporters who wanted to drain the swamp. Life is good the gods have blessed us!
Look, another ancient white man dredged from the bottom of the swamp!
Love it when wealthy insulated people who can run away talk about “the revolution.” Seriously, fuck this woman. I don’t think she had an actual impact on the election, she’s not relevant enough to swing more than maybe a dozen voters, but I am disgusted by her glib attitude.
Suzie Sarandon can kiss my whole ass.
I never thought I would feel so passionate about Debra Messing.
When you take your meds.
I’ve seen some people write that she looked tired and sad, and she must be so depressed because she’s not wearing any makeup. The campaign is over! She is 69. She’s been dying her hair blond and putting lipstick on that smile everyone tells her she needs for over 30 years now. I think she has earned the right to not…
I wanted Bernie Sanders to go back to his lake house after he lost and go away. Go back to being the white hipster’s blip in Vermont instead of smearing the Democratic party. We can’t all get what we want.
One of the things I noticed is how... tough she looks now. It makes me realize that during the election, her hair was always done up and her face was always softened with makeup, but now she’s over that and now she can let loose somewhat and get back to doing whatever she’s doing. And while that is some comfort to me,…
Tried to watch and couldn’t. Goddammit America.
She’s really been put through the wringer for the past two decades, it was just wrung faster and harder for the past 15 months than it had been since the early 90s.
Fuckkkkk this election. It still seems so unreal. What a badass and inspiring woman. The shit she has gone through is insane.
I really wish that Oprah had never brought Dr.’s Phil & Oz out of the grays.