I hope I do, too.
I hope I do, too.
John McCain is a hero as a soldier. He is a coward as a politician.
In my world, when someone’s career is defined by voting against civil rights and liberties, then they aren’t a hero. McCain voted against the proposed Civil Rights Act of 1990, voted to ban burning the flag, voted against equal pay protection for women, voted against prohibiting discrimination based on sexual…
This is so fucking unbelievable!
But yet he backed the Russian puppet.
I heard today (news radio) that the Trump transition team has not shown up for some scheduled transition meetings, including at the Pentagon.
The WikiLeaks staff had an IAmA on Reddit. They were thoroughly lambasted over how they currated their data and decided what data was important politically, diplomatically, or historically.
Methinks you don’t understand what fascism actually is to use it in this context. Also, your position apparently recognizes no distinction between useless person and hero.
I can’t imagine many of the republicans aren’t shitting their pants right now too. This president-elect transition process is fucking scary as hell. There’s no contact with the transition teams and fuck face hasn’t met with the DoD but has spoken to Putin??
The fact that as a nation, our hopes seem to be pinned on Lindsey Graham, is beyond depressing.
During the 3rd debate Trump plainly said that he just didn’t believe the 17 agencies that believed that Russia was behind these hacks. At this point even Wallace stopped in to admit that “top national secuirty officials of this country do believe that Russia has been behind these attacks.”
It will also never get investigated now because Trump and the Republican congress sure as shit won’t push for it.
I voted for Hillary Clinton.
You know what? You’re right. Trump was right. John McCain isn’t a hero.
All I really want to know more about is this Benghazi thing. Have you heard about it?
Lindsey Graham just called for a Congressional investigation into Russia and our election today.
“John McCain, of all people, has warned that a change in U.S. policy towards Russia would amount to ‘complicity in Putin and Assad’s butchery of the Syrian people.’”
Where were the Congressional investigations on this? We wasted millions in tax payer dollars on Benghazi and emailz, but will this get the same attention? This seems a hell of a lot more disturbing.
Maybe he should’ve said something before the elec—
Well God bless Wikileaks and the Russians. We got rid of that pant suit wearing devil Killary Clinton. She had an email server and she didn’t use her psychic abilities to stop the Benghazi attacks. The Lord works in mysterious ways. May the the good Lord’s favor shine on our saint of the common man Donald J. Trump.