“The argument is that we shouldn’t treat every Trump voter as if they’re racists and assholes.”
“The argument is that we shouldn’t treat every Trump voter as if they’re racists and assholes.”
Yes, it was definitely her “hiring” of DWS in an honorary position for her down-ballot campaign, combined with her to-your-eyes insufficient engagement with BLM (never mind that she met with them http://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/clinton-black-lives-matter-meeting-214634 in the same month that Sanders did, and was…
Boxer is 76.
I guess we’ll never know why.
If the press had spend more time on policy and less time on GUYS I DONT THINK MELANIA HAS A COLLEGE DEGREE ALSO HILLARYS EMAILS GUYZ we probably wouldn’t be in this current mess...
Where does the party go in a presidential election where their candidate is already coming out of this with a million more votes than her opponent in growing? Hopefully, not too far. And, anyone purposefully trying advocate for some huge shift is likely someone trying to re-fight a primary they couldn’t win because…
Yeah I can see that. I thought Howard Dean did a great job and no one has really met his level since. Maybe part of the reason was that he wasn’t in elected office at the time. I think Barbara Boxer would be a good choice too now that she’s retiring.
It was tough. I am latinx closeted cis-male. I was very passionate about volunteering for Hillary because I saw the options available and she was the pragmatist who still saw everyone. Her plans seemed achievable and of all the politicians out there she had the longest history of coming across the aisle and selling an…
Go to hell.
I like Ellison too, but elected officials leading the DNC is always a bad idea.
Ah... Brendan O’Connor. I remember his inflammatory, thinly veiled sexist bullshit from Gawker. I thought he went away when Gawker went under. Ugh.
Alt-Left: so far left and so in the weeds of their own issues and their personal morality that they fail to realize they are not the only people on the planet, that many, many people have been harmed (and will continue to be harmed) because they are self-righteous pricks. Defining characteristic: They believed,…
It’s just meaningless. Donald Trump didn’t win this election, winged monkeys stole it and flew off to Oz with it!! Whatever, man.
i am angry at that line too.
I also feel like voter suppression is such a huge issue that is under reported. In my state, you need an ID, can only vote for about 10 hours, and anyone convicted of any felony can never vote again. Almost 10% of the population is unable to vote. And it always seems the more red the state, the harder it is to vote.…
this so fucking much!!! Clinton would have won easily if anyone paid any attention to policy...
Yup. Boy do I know it - I know 53% of white women voted for Trump, though the majority of women overall voted for Clinton. I’m not addressing the Right. I’m addressing the Left and the hot takes of predominantly white men on the Left about how Hillary gave them no political boners, delegitimizing her and…
I hope the Democratic Party does stick up for the minorities who make the base of the power. I would hope that they don’t neglect the real voter suppression going on to weave fantasies for white guys who think they are atheist baby killers.
Donald Trump did not win the election last Tuesday; Hillary Clinton lost it. This simple fact
You just couldn’t help yourself, could you. “I have a vision for the future...but first, let me alienate half my potential audience by gettin’ my licks in on Hillary! It’s all her fault! It’s all her fault! It’s all her fault! ...NOW, about what to do ne—hey, come back!!”