
Hey pals, just jumping down here to make a couple of quick comments. There are SO MANY legitimate reasons to criticize Melania Trump. Slut-shaming, particularly by referencing her nude photos, is not one of them.

On that bitches best day she’ll never be even half as graceful and dignified as Michelle Obama. And she only has her self to blame for all the hate she’s getting. She obviously didn’t realize how much love and respect millions of people have for her.

Right, because no matter what stupid thing a woman has done, the final nail in her coffin is that she isn’t pretty. Christ.

I love this new contortion of reality that somehow Trump’s election and HRC’s loss in certain states was some sort of indirect mandate for Bernie Sanders. Yes, clearly they would have preferred Sanders, which is why they voted for a rich white guy who doesn’t pay income taxes, brags about defrauding workers, hired

Irrelevant Old Man Yells At Cloud

Fuck. You. Bernie. You couldn’t even win a primary. You wouldn’t have won the election. Thanks for inspiring the worst people on the left to take up your election as some kind of jihad against sane progressive principles and to attack our duly elected nominee as a criminal all summer and fall instead of supporting her.

Bernie, just shut the fuck up. His supporters abandoned him already. No one cares what he has to say. He should have been more vocal before the election.

Bernie Sanders dissmisses racism and sexism in favor of giving the same tired old stump speech over and over again. Hillary was actually popular before Sanders legitimized right wing attacks against her. Even now that Trump has won he is *still* dismissing misogyny as a non-issue:

Exactly. We act as if it were the candidates who at fault. Trump is nothing more than a culmination of awfulness in this country. I hate his supporters. He is and has always been a grifter of the highest order. A close look at his dealings and that lays bare everything about him and his family. The people who voted

The hard truth is that Republicans have become the party of white people and the Democratic Party have become the party of non-whites. If Sanders would have had the nomination, he would have gone after those same white voters and he would have lost because while he spent time white guy, bro-ing out with bros in the

I hit a point, somewhere around 2007, where I just could not listen GWB’s smug, smarmy voice any more. Whenever he came on TV or the radio, I turned it off. I kind of hated doing it because I felt really uninformed, but I just couldn’t.

I will miss the 3 AM twitter rants, his history of sexual assault, his petty fights with private citizens, his attacks on Muslims and Latinos.....

Prior to the election, Obama flat out told the American people Trump was unfit. Members of both Bushes cabinet lined up to endorse Hillary. 99.99% of all newspapers endorsed her, many of them early, and using increasingly urgent language. People just didn’t listen. They listened to their own, easily manipulated brains

You think we’ll all get dumber listening to Trump speak the next four years?

you know what i will miss most about obama?

I’m glad that Keith Ellison may become DNC chair. Bernie seems to be laying the groundwork for a 2020 run and when/if he loses to Kamala Harris/Amy Klobuchar/Corey Booker/Kristen Gillibrand, I don’t want a repeat of the 2016 primary from his side. That being said, it’s time to get rid of the damn caucuses once and for

Sorry but I think Bernie had a big hand in this loss. Even when he campaigned for Hillary later he still made it obvious he was just holding his nose. I don’t think the 6M people who went MIA for a 69yr old white woman would have showed up for a 74 yr old white man. He lost the primaries pretty resoundingly even if

F$&@, Bernie. He couldn’t get on his knees fast enough nor get Trump’s pants down fast enough before he was offering his full-throated support.

Too bad he didn’t go that hard against sexism and racism and xenophobia when he was campaigning. I would have liked to hear more of what he just said to The View earlier, but he didn’t think it was important enough and that economic issues were all that matter. Better late than never, I guess.

After he spent the entire campaign season promising to be a liberal thorn in Hillary Clinton’s side while viciously subtweeting the DNC, a tone deaf white guy who couldn’t even stay in the Democratic Party until the end of the convention but still feels entitled to direct its future is the ass-last person I’m in any