
Even if Clinton had won, I was still ready to be totally dismayed that tens of millions were willing to cast their votes for an openly racist, misogynist buffoon. Let’s not try to comfort ourselves with meaningless crap. The U.S. and the world as we know it is definitely on a downward trend and it certainly has

And by the way, would you like to know what is far worse than shaming someone?

Yup. And in four years those same protest voters will just blame the Democrats for Trump and again refuse to step up and help the people who are being hurt by President Trump.


What pisses me off the most, is these fuckwads still blame the DNC and HRC for Trump being elected. NO. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LOOK AT BASIC MATH YOU ASS-CLOWNS!!!

They were always going to vote for Trump. People vote most strongly along party lines. Most Republicans are white & they vote Republican. No one should be surprised about that. Hillary actually manged to get more white women to vote democrat that would not normally have voted for them. She just didn’t convince

A million people is not a number to forget. Trump needs to be reminded of it every single day. Because all he wants is for everyone to cheer him & think the sun shines out of his ass. He needs to see it over & over again, that most people didn’t vote for him, that most people don’t like him or want him as

But the majority of white people voted for Trump, i will never forget that. So when we say that the majority of Americans rejected Trump what we should be saying is the majority of POCs rejected Trump.

Terrific attitude. Guess who people also didn’t believe was a liberal.

More people voted for Clinton. Never forget that. We lost, but we are the majority.

I want to thank everyone at jezebel etc. for continuing to use descriptions like these for Drumpf: “ wimpish moldy muffin”. I also enjoy “Trumples”. It’s amazing.

Yeah, because not one single thing in their miserable little trollish lives will change. They will still be unloved losers.

Yeah, how hard is it to say “there is no excuse for violence or harassment of others, particularly in my name” but he’s too fucking stupid to say even that.

Yeah, it would help if immediately before this he didn’t gaslight everyone experiencing hate crimes, and suggest that it wasn’t actually happening and that it’s all a trick by the media.

Wait, if his supporters see his victory as an OK to make the entire country into a Trump rally, does that mean if Hillary Clinton won the streets would look a Clinton rally?

Friendly reminder to delete your social media before clownfuck takes over, especially Facebook.

“So so sad that people are trying to hold me accountable for my racism.”

“I would say...” No, you overprivileged grifter fuck. You DO say. You insist. You demand. You point your finger at the camera and say it with the same intensity with which you stirred up this racist, misogynist stew.

Let’s neuter this fucker in 2018, then kick him the fuck out in 2020.

Yo Trump,