
If you don’t recognize the privilege one enjoys by appearing white in America, then I cannot help you. Just ask yourself, assuming you appear white, if you would trade places with someone who looks different than you and if you think you’d be treated the same. Maybe you live in a special place where all people are

“Woke”??? WTF????

We’re all so worried about your tender white male ego.

It’s very, very weird to me that you introduced the idea of being “woke” then continued to keep trying to fight along the battleground on whether or not someone is, without engaging in the actual discussion.

Yeah, you should leave. Because you just thoroughly embarrassed yourself.

OK. I’m trying to have an actual discussion but you’re more interested in stating opinion as fact (including uncited references to supposed majorities), making judgments about me, and bandying about a pet term of yours that I’ve never actually used in my life to describe myself or anyone else. So ... have a good day!

I don’t agree with your assessment of the election, which I guess will invalidate anything else I have to say in your eyes. I thought Hillary was an excellent, experienced candidate with a clear progressive platform. I thought, and still think, that she would’ve been a more effective—if somewhat less

The numbers make it very clear that what caused the Trump presidency was a combination of lackluster voter turnout, intense voter suppression in several swing states, and white middle/upper-middle-class Baby Boomers being spooked by the country’s changing social mores.

I’m curious what legitimate problems you think I’m

Because he is a white man in America, his privilege is not only implied it was inherited from 240 years of systemic racism that continues to this day?

How do you earn being a straight white male, with the privilege of many people assuming you’re more honest, intelligent, moral, and overall more capable of something simply because of the color of your skin, and the fact that you have a penis that you prefer to use with vaginas?

You...voted for a racist, misogynist, rude, anti-Muslim, poor-people-hating, pussy-grabbing asshole who can’t form complete sentences and knows very little about how the government works because someone called you DUMB?

Because he’s a straight white male. The barriers he has had to face early in life allowed him to achieve what he has with significantly less obstacles than if he were black, poor, and/or gay.

The fact that you equate the KKK - which has, you know, lynched, intimidated and tortured hundreds of African-Americans and their allies over the past 125 years - to BLM, whose goal is to end institutional police violence against minorities is... I don’t even know what term to use.

He’s a rich white man. He’ll never be harrassed on the street for it, he’ll never be shot by the cops for it, he’ll never be raped for it. That IS privilege. You, clearly being a white man as well, regardless of your social status, are not aware that you possess this privilege too. But trust me, if you didn’t, you’d

This is why Trump won. We got tired of people like this calling us dumb so we decided to show them how dumb we really are.

But he doesn’t tell it like it is, or say what’s on his mind—he says the first thing that comes to his brain, which is usually just gibberish. He is the dictionary definition of a reactionary, and he’ll run a Kleptocracy, not Democracy. He’s already trying to enrich himself, using .gov site to hawk his wife’s shitty

Hey, they showed us. They wanted change and they got... the same Congress and a cabinet of career politicians. Well done America.

I saw one of these idiots on local St. Louis TV as Trump’s lead started to grow. The talking head jammed the microphone in the face of a giddy Trump supporter. This dunce could barely string together a coherent response. She - yes, SHE - mumbled something about “he tells it like it is.” The reporter pressed her,

This is why Trump won. We got tired of people like this calling us dumb so we decided to show them how dumb we really are.