I had this discussion at a work happy hour with mixed company last night. I quoted Scut Farkus (The bully from A Christmas Story) “Cry for me now crybaby!” and asked them if they ever thought Trump would actually act as if he had won the Presidency.
I had this discussion at a work happy hour with mixed company last night. I quoted Scut Farkus (The bully from A Christmas Story) “Cry for me now crybaby!” and asked them if they ever thought Trump would actually act as if he had won the Presidency.
I’m sure others have said this but damn if this isn’t as terrible a few days for Donald Trump as it is for everyone else. This is the worst possible thing to happen to him. He thought he’d lose, become a right-wing martyr, and get a cushy seat yelling at America through Trump TV about crooked Hillary for 30 minutes a…
What sort of pansy ass nancy boy of a President have we elected if he’s going to cry about a few thousand protesters being “unfair”?
Look at that fucker McConnell, just grinning away at the horror he helped create. There’s not a hell hot enough for him.
Yeah, just like they supported Obama for the good of the country. They want the office to be respected after eight years of saying hideous shit about the Obamas, because their guy is in there now? Fuck that. They established the new template. If they don’t like it, then they should have been singing Kumbyah when Obama…
I feel like we let her down.
It’s funny, I was just thinking today that Hillary should go to Italy for a couple of months and relax. Then I saw this photo and it made me cry.
God, what a president she would have made....
I just want to get lost in the woods with them. I don’t know how she looks so calm in public. Even if she’d enraged in private, she’s so classy and professional. If it were be I’d be throwing a full on warrior tantrum, Xena style.
Talk about grace. She is the epitome of it.
Well, there are the 12 women who accused him of sexual assault, his upcoming fraud trial, 4 bankruptcies, his still-secret taxes, and his fake foundation, for a start. So, not just “words”.
Except you want him to pay for things he said, as opposed to paying for things he’s done - of which there aren’t many.
Our neighbor, who is a teacher in a more conservative/republican area, flat-out called my wife and I, along with another neighbor who votes primarily republican, racists for not only voting for Trump,
He will be a puppet. He’s a moron and he has a massive ego.
So the problem is that we weren’t PC enough for white voters? Thanks for the great advice.
Most of these horrible claims against Trump are all based on what he said, only words.
You’re trying to argue both sides: that words both DO and DON’T mean anything.
“Orange is the new black”