
That white people are voted for racist Trump to the same degree as they did bland Romney is not a point in their favor.

That white people are voted for racist Trump to the same degree as they did bland Romney is not a point in their favor. Are white people mindless robots that are just programmed to vote Republican without considering that MAYBE they shouldn’t vote for the sexist racist deplorable scumbag, leaving it up to minorities

Black people weren’t in the 90th percentile, though barely. But turnout was low. We KNEW white people were racist, but Trump didn’t win more than Romney did. The only difference, demographically, in this election was POC not showing up. That is it.

So, it’s not 53% of all white women. It’s actually way more white women who didn’t think bragging about sexual assault, degrading women as a knee jerk, and spewing hate was important enough to show up.

I’m in the ‘why not both?’ camp here. Yes it is a fucking problem that 58% of white stared down the carnival of horrors that is Donald Trump and said “yeah! I want more of what he’s selling!” We do deserve the bulk of the blame for his election, because it’s our people who voted him in. But it’s also a fucking

Of course we can be pissed at Trump voters, but what I am saying is we KNEW WHO THEY WERE. We knew they were out there and what they were doing and WE KNEW how many whites voted for Romney. And we just magically expected them to NOT vote for Trump?

What really pisses me off is we KNEW this. We KNEW so many white people were racist. And how did we overcome that? By FUCKING SHOWING UP. We overcame it TWICE by showing up. But apparently everyone is acting like we expected the Romney voters to suddenly not be full of shit. That after a year and a half of Trump

I thought that not a lot of people was racist but I guess I was wrong.

This. I ended a 15 year friendship after someone told me that he didn’t care about violence against minorities because black people need to fix black-on-black crime first. Fuck him, I get angry just thinking about it.

straight up, now when i pass by white people, all i can think is that a majority of you voted for trump.

I burned every bridge with my Trump voting family members yesterday. At first it was scary. Then it felt good.

I agree, and I tell my students that the most important conversations we have are not with like-minded people, but with the people closest to us that disagree with us. That’s where people have the power to change minds instead of just nodding because you don’t want to cause family drama. I was so proud that my partner

“How about you so-called progressive white Jezzies stop coddling your Trump supporting relatives and loved ones and express your disgust?”

In addition to getting to work, I mean really, everyone GET TO WORK, all women should consider self-defense classes. I’m researching them. I’ve been groped more than once, and now that that behavior has been approved by the electoral college I’ll be damned if my next groper doesn’t end up with testicular torsion.

I’m not tired. I’m awake. We keep trying to pretend like white people didn’t do EXACTLY what we knew they would. The only part of the strategy that didn’t work was low turnout with latinos and blacks. If they came out in Obama’s numbers HILARY WOULD BE PRESIDENT. All that had to happen was WE SHOW UP LIKE WE DID FOR

“How many times do we expect black people to build our country for us?”

FiveThirtyEight was all about this on election night. Shameful. That place can be dead now right?

Wait, so minority women do our part (like we’ve ALWAYS done) and it’s still get back to work. How about white America gets to work on themselves? How about you so-called progressive white Jezzies stop coddling your Trump supporting relatives and loved ones and express your disgust?

I’m tired of the narrative that its all white people’s fault. White people voted as FUCKING EXPECTED. Trump didn’t drastically improve white voter turnout over Romney. The only thing that changed was black and latino turnout, and a surprising amount of black and latino’s not showing up to vote and a surprising amount

we’re going to call you on it. Everyone sees what you’re doing, People, and history will not forgive you for it.

Yeah this about the heart of those white women votes for Trump. 1) My husband’s lead is what I’m following. 2) Fuck giving power to another woman, I got mine/didn’t get mine, fuck her, internalised misogyny, blah blah.