
Now that the smoke has cleared, it looks like Clinton won the popular vote. Yes, I know that doesn’t mean a lot because of the electoral college, but this is the 2nd time in 16 years where the popular candidate was ousted. It’s reeeaalllly time to re-consider, for instance, how much fucking voting power Florida gets.

And that’s just the people who showed up.

Every person who said “I don’t like either of them”, or who voted for Johnson, have to blame for this.

Well, I have feeling we are about to find out. Hillary may have given up the election but I doubt that Democrats are going to be handing over the keys that easily. I am guessing we are going to find out what exactly are in Trump’s tax returns and how they can used against him to impeach him.

That was good. She nailed it.

TWO years. Don’t ever forget the midterms. Especially if he’s fucked up enough. We can maybe get some ground back in TWO years.

The thing is, they ARE rednecks, racists and all those other things. I don’t think we should celebrate hateful discourse just because we’re afraid that hateful people will bite back.

Very true. I’m just embarrassed for us. And I’m so disappointed. I really thought we would have the first POTUS. And I feel like we let the obamas, Warren and Bernie down.

Know that for every American that seems to have it in for you there is one that has your back. I have your back. I know you will have mine.

Have people just forgotten that Clinton won the nomination by more than three million votes? Nothing was handed to her. She earned it fair and square.

People are tired of all your white privilege, racism, misogyny, transphobia shit. They’ve had enough.

I was flipping between CNN and CBC tonight and ended up landing on CBC because I was transfixed by their panel. They did not hold back at all. I will watch anything that features Danielle Moodie-Mills, forever. She was so passionate and articulate, but also heartbreakingly defeated.

I’ve already posted this elsewhere, but here it goes again, with updated numbers, because it will never be too much:

i’m a forever-grey at jezebel, i imagine, so maybe no one ever even reads this.

Tonight was like watching a horror movie.

There’s always the hope that now he has actually won something big enough to get him indicted will break. His supporters might go full civil war though .

Well, I hope at some point impeachment. He’s a total fraud, a danger, downright stupid and not at all capable of following the law, so I could easily see him committing an impeachable action.

If you thought for a second a bunch of racist misogynistic white male dips wouldn’t come boiling out of the woodwork like termites to prevent a Hillary presidency than I’m wildly envious of your naivety and the fantasy world you live in. I know I sound like a jag but c’mon, white guys making decisions? Shocking

He will never be my president. Never. And I am dedicating the next 4 years to supporting every effort to impeach and indict him.