Brags about sexual assault. Not a deal breaker.
Brags about sexual assault. Not a deal breaker.
As a black man who talks white enough to fit in to white suburbia well I am surrounded by coded racism constantly. I couldnt be less surprised by this if I tried. 8 years later there are still allegedly intelligent and credible people who believe Obama is the secret leader of ISIS because hes black and his fucking…
Keep it at white people and white men. Minority men tried to save this country. More than white women.
Trump won 66% of white women? Up to 75% of the white vote in some areas? Jesus.
And fuck every person of color and woman who voted 3rd party in a swing state.
I can’t even smoke weed right now because of how fucking upset I am right now.
You mean, if we hadn’t put forward a woman. Fuck off.
Let me just say this again...because you missed it.
As the polls come in, it’s so obvious Hillary’s votes got syphoned by Stein and Johnson and it’s so infuriating. Okay now what? Your third party candidate didn’t win and neither did Hillary. Still feeling smug and moral now?
I’m crying because I don’t know how the fuck were going to survive a trump presidency. And if he wins this isn’t my country, period. It’s every man for themselves. FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING LIBERAL WHITE MEN. FUCK YOU.
Look no further than my home state Florida... Johnson is getting 200+k votes while Hillary is losing by less than 140+k votes as I type this. I am seething at the holier-than-thou, protest-voting pieces of shit that can’t or refuse to realize that voting for leader of the free world is not picking your bff but…
Edited to removed until I get more confirmation on that.
And yet, you have not yet written a four-paragraph essay about how you didn’t really have to, or want to, and how imperfect she is, and what a struggle it was to reconcile your personal purity-tests against the grim meathook realities of the candidates, and how you’d much rather vote for someone you’re personally…
Those dudes all expect participation ribbons at the very least.
Boy, you’re really pissed at the Deadspin choads, huh?
It pissed me off too. Yeah several of them were doing the right thing, but it’s the grudging, dragging of the feet, teenage-angsty “but only because I HAVE to MOM” whining tone that I took exception with. Grow the fuck up, gentlemen. Some things are more important than your personal feelings.
I’m extremely emotional today and in the throes of a nasty PMS battle (TMI?). So I may have overreacted. But when I read that Deadspin article and in particular the ones who were undecided about actually voting, I just saw red. I just can’t imagine a world where you don’t have to care about voting because it won’t…
“Sorry to burst your bubble, but America isn’t going to change whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump becomes President”
I shouldn’t actually be surprised, because of course there are many people out there in the snarkosphere that let the snark bleed so deeply into their brains that they don’t actually have the ability to take anything seriously.