
Every feminist commenter on every feminist website I used to read back then said over and over and over that attacking Sarah Palin in a sexist manner was just plain wrong. It was mostlt liberal dudes and decidely NON-feminist women engaging in that crap.

The amount of shit Hillary (and others as you say) has had to endure over her 40 years serving the public has been astronomical and disgusting. I know she won’t be crying when she accepts the nomination tomorrow night (wimmenz be weeping, etc.), but a LOT of us will on her behalf.

Sanders didnt almost beat her- she won the popular vote 56-43 and had almost 1k more delegates. She was not anointed, she won. Take your weak ass trolling somewhere else. And for the record, tomorrow is going to be a savage, one-sided beating and it is going to be amazing to watch.

Yikes. That is terrifying. Not the ‘threat’ of armed rednecks but that Trump’s rhetoric about homegrown terrorists has some merit. He just didn’t count these terrorists would be White, Trump supporters and Good’ol boys stubborn to hang on to an ideology of the “good old days” that’s not even theirs to begin with, nor

She has a belief system entirely suited to taking care of those who take care of her. Anyone else can eat shit.

All bark and no bite!

“deliver justice at the ballot box”

“Hell Sanders, a fringe protest candidate at best, almost beat her anyways”

Bernie Sanders didn’t “almost beat her”.

This is probably what makes me saddest... It’s really tough to keep my chin up when I’m being shown EXACTLY what a womans lifetime of incredible achievement is worth.

- ILLEGAL: It was an “unspoken grey area” that everyone exploited until the FBI blew it up for what we can now see were clearly political reasons. Holy shit did you see Comey’s sidemouth statement today? So yes, it was illegal and now the rest of ‘em have exposed themselves to criminal prosecution by making a big

I *just* realized that that orange has two left eyes. >_>

Oh, come off it. This is exhaustingly boring.

Also, pretty sure she’s had worst transgressions than that.

And there are stupid people like you who have a moron’s grasp on politics and proud to share it with the world.

Well in unrelated news, this account popped up minutes after they took his.

Who is the magical wizard who is able to do all the things a POTUS must do exactly to your* specifications, with the easy cooperation of Congress and SCOTUS, but has chosen for some strange reason not to run? Surely that person should be the object of your scorn — the only thing not perfect about him (I assume if you

It’s weird in this country that people value a person’s skill “as a candidate” rather than their skill “as a president”. She’s not running for the position of the best “candidate to run for president”, she running for the actual job of president. And for the job of actual president, she is supremely suited. She is

The truly amazing thing about this whole campaign (and the 30 years that preceeded it) is how a woman who independent and impartial analysis rates as “somewhat better than the rest of ‘em”, with a 30 year record of public service in which her worst verifiable transgressions are “changed position on various social

Another factor is that as minorities increase in proportion and participation, their contribution isn’t accurately reflected in existing polling methodology. For instance, Hispanic turnout in early voting in Florida was up 150% from 2012 and registered democrats had a slim majority in early voting...which NEVER,