Bill Clinton isn’t running for president, remember? Are you confused about Hillary Clinton’s being an autonomous person, separate from her husband?
Bill Clinton isn’t running for president, remember? Are you confused about Hillary Clinton’s being an autonomous person, separate from her husband?
Brazile,not Clinton, is the one who cheated. Fact. Remember those? They used to matter.
I have many criticisms of W, but dude did have pretty fast reflexes.
Hillary Clinton is like the Tom Brady of American politics. I kind of hate her, but her detractors are so goddamned irrational that I still find myself defending her all the time anyway:
What I’m hearing here is that Clinton is prejudged by you on the most out there of the accusations against her, with no credits at all for say, how much damned good the Clinton Foundation does, worldwide. But in this dissonant universe, the realization that Trump had a campaign manager that usually helps Eastern…
I think they both unquestionably have high name recognition, but the real question is why? What were they doing that made them so famous? One was famous for public service, and one was famous for reality TV, tabloids, and Twitter feuds.
These are the brave bold men who think that more guns are better and that people who are not fans of playing dress up gunslinger in everyday life are pussies. They panicked and shrieked like like a kindergarten class that spotted a bee in the room.
I hate to say it, but even fucking Bush ducked flying shoes like a man.
Funny that all the people who love guns run away and panic at the mention of a gun.
Trump lacks the stamina to fight off his own assassin.
Pfft. Hillary and Obama can cause a plane crash that only kills their target. If they were coming for Trump, they would not miss.
I like candidates who weren’t rushed offstage, okay?
Nah, Trump sensed a draft come into the room, so he was dodging it.
I look forward to Mike Pence chuckling softly as he shakes his head, then staring directly into a camera and denying this happened.
Have you guys seen this? It’s cute.
Chapelle was punching down when he mansplained/defended a man who clearly admitted to what amounts to sexual assault. He was punching down when he told groups of minorities to be ashamed of themselves for what amounts to fighting for their civil rights.
“...He said, ‘And when you’re a star, they let you do it.’ That phrase implies consent...”
Consent is not something that reasonable people can disagree on. It is either there, or it isn’t. Suggesting that Trump’s words “if you’re famous they let you do it” implies consent is wrong. Especially after a dozen or so women have come forward saying he did what he bragged about.
Right? My immediate reaction was wondering* how black women felt about that statement. And like— black people don’t experience the impact of homophobia, transphobia...?