Because Madeline Albright can only speak, think and vote for herself. Her reasoning of why women should vote for a woman represents only her opinion on it so there is no rationale that needs explaining by others.
Because Madeline Albright can only speak, think and vote for herself. Her reasoning of why women should vote for a woman represents only her opinion on it so there is no rationale that needs explaining by others.
Clinton is running an incredibly solid campaign under the culmination of a decades long barrage of slander aimed at her from the worst of America. That’s what she’s doing. It was never going to be easy to have a female president.
I thankfully do not live in a battleground state so I don’t have to see so many ads. The Clinton ads are usually pretty well done— this one in particular is brutal:
The “Hillary Clinton” = “Lady MacBeth” line of thinking has always been strong in the public consciousness. When a man does something wrong, it’s because a woman is to blame. Like that time Eve made Adam eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge.
Seriously. What an asshole. How about blaming the perv sexting your daughter rather than the woman who had literally nothing to do with it, Pops?
What is admirable about Susan fucking Sarandon? She’s a rich white lady who won’t be negatively impacted by a Trump presidency in the slightest. She can afford to spew her white feminist bullshit and pretend to be morally superior because deep down she knows that no matter what the outcome is she will be fine. She…
Endorsing Jill Stein is saying fuck you to all women who need health care at Planned Parenthood or other places. Fuck you to the Environment. Fuck you to children. At least she votes in New York. The Green Party couldn’t get their shit together enough to get even on the damn ballot in Nevada (and we don’t have write…
This is what makes me so crazy when people say, “You can’t compare this to Brexit! That was a popular vote!” No, we don’t directly use a popular vote to elect the presidency. But it’s a popular vote that determines who gets which electoral votes. And if you assholes convince enough people to be as selfish and…
I think she actually wants Trump to win. This seems to be a theme with the people for whom Hillary hatred is a primary motivation. They’re throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get their way, and they want the entire country to suffer so they can say, “See? I told you you should have voted for Bernie.”
I’m therefore very happy to endorse Jill Stein for the presidency because she does stand for everything I believe in.
Fuck you, Susan Sarandon. Fuck. You. You privileged, ivy-towered jackass.
Just to clarify for those who think they’re voting in some kind of “majority wins” scenario: 48 states are “all or nothing” in the Electoral College. That means that whoever gets the majority of Electoral votes eventually gets ALL of the votes for that state.
So that’s Nader in 2000, Edwards in 2008 . . . why do we pretend she knows WTF she’s talking about? It’s not like there aren’t any other celebrities on the left we could talk to who are smarter.
She is hardcore white feministing with this bullshit. Woke my ass. Her ultra-wealthy self won’t be damaged by a Trump presidency. She obviously doesn’t give a rat’s ass about all the POC, less wealthy women, and especially WOC who would be directly affected.
“...Clinton, with her record of corruption...”
There’s nothing more unclear and impractical than a third party at this time. But of course someone almost entirely shielded from the results of the next four years would feel that way.
Minor or not so minor tidbit. bits. Tim bits or tim nuts later. 1. stop believing a third party candidate will ever, ever, be viable in the shit system that belongs to us and is ingrained in the fabric of this country. no. that ship has passed. Do you remember Ross perot ms Sarandon? You think stein is some kind of…