
Nope. Donald Trump truly believes that he’s just naturally gifted, at everything. Rachel Maddow had a funny-if-it-weren’t-so-disturbing piece last night on a Trump interview for a bio a couple years ago. Apparently in his youth, Trump was the best baseball player in New York. This was about the time when Mickey Mantle

Hey, Paul Ryan, remember how President Bush and VP Cheney used a private email server owned by the RNC for official communications and wouldn’t provide them when subpoenaed? Remember how they “lost” 22 million emails by deleting them and not archiving them when they more than likely contained classified info?

NOT reopening investigation. Reviewing emails to see if the investigation NEEDS to be reopened. Try trying harder.

Fuck it all. If this gets someone to switch from Clinton to Trump, who is in the middle a several trials himself, then fuck them. And if I encounter, in real life, one alt-Lefter who wants to make this into a reason for voting for Stein or writing in Bernie, I may just end up in jail on aggravated assault charges.

Get ready for four long years of hearings and investigations. It’s time for the DNC to put together a long strategy to completely de-tooth the GOP.

According to Sam Stein, Trump is now at a rally screaming that the FBI is going to put Hillary in jail and the entire crowd is screaming “Lock Her up!”The crowd went wild when Trump announced the FBI news.

Come on, you all. Dismiss:

But man does it make people click!

She actually did ask if she could have an encrypted server set up by DoS and was told it wasn’t a priority, so did what all the SoSs who used e-mail before her did and used an outside server. The difference between her and Colin Powell is that while she used an encrypted server that had been set up by the Secret

I still don’t understand what the big issue is? Should she not have used a private email server? Yes. Was that private email server ever compromised? Not, that I’ve read.

I’ll start giving a shit about this just as soon as I review Trump’s taxes.

Shit- and pot-stirring, with no substance, mealy-mouthed and lacking details, clearly designed to imply something while promising absolutely nothing for the sake of deniability.

Nope, still not voting for that swollen orange, but nice try.

I just eye rolled so hard that my eyes are now stuck and I’m blind.

It remains stunning how this small issue has been turned into the political scandal of the decade. Good lord.

And Ryan sure has a lot to say but nothing on the Tangerine Turd, not one negative word even while Trump reamed his ass in public over and over again. He’s a disgrace to human beings.

No, they haven’t. That is not what the statement says at all, though the GOP is pretending it does.

Well, my ballot is already mailed so...WHATEVER.

I sincerely hope that this is just the FBI doing its due diligence and making sure that some pissant House committee can’t throw this back at them later.