
I think they mean control as in “ability to actually do something to help.” This situation is a lot more complicated from a legal perspective than a lot of the commenters on this article seem to grasp. Construction on federal land has already been halted, the federal government has asked for the company to

I normally give the writers here a pass on being so abysmally ignorant ‘cuz they’re just so young and dumb, but Anna’s been around long enough that she should know better.

This is stupid. The court has already said the pipeline can move forward. What is Clinton supposed to do? Take a stand against the court? Ask protesters to violate the law because they don’t like the ruling?

They’re really taking from Trump’s book here. The whole “she’s been here 30 years and hasn’t done anything about it yet” like she was or ever would be an absolute dictator page, to be precise.

I’m confused about the focus on Clinton, here (no I’m not). Where is this administration on this issue? How do you think we got here? Where the fuck does this Congress stand?

I didn’t realize that Clinton had won the election and has already taken office.

Dear Universe: More of this pairing, please.

I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.

I saw this suit in person today!!! I was so close and I touched her arm and it was amazing!!!

So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

Chelsea’s got rebar in her spine, same as her mom. She’ll be fine.

 some argue that her laser focus on winning the election has been more of a detriment than anything else.

She crushed him. Anyone who believes the previous conventional wisdom that Clinton is a weak campaigner needs to admit they were absolutely wrong. She didn’t win because she was lucky, or because she rigged it, or because Trump was the worst candidate of all time. She would have crushed any and all comers. She crushed

Hillary’s “Chinese steel” quip while Trump was crapping on about his hotel was a winner too

I don’t know, the moment when Trump said “Nobody respects women more than me.” and the audience laughed was also pretty great.

I love how his lips were quivering as he desperately wanted to say “woman” while hearing his advisers say “call her a person” and his hands saying “TITTIES”

Even though I am very, very angry about the “nasty woman” comment and the vicious attack on reproductive rights and racial minorities, I feel MUCH MUCH BETTER. Because that was the END of Donald Trump. He DAYD.