
Would you sacrifice equal pay, the ERA, repeal of the Hyde Ammendment and your right to choose at the alter of Juanita Broadderick? Keep in mind her claims have been investigated by people with a financial interest in proving her right who were not able to do so. It’s possible Broadderick was raped, but Clinton’s

The DNC does not have to equally support both candidates. They are there to ensure that the Democratic candidate will win the presidency. If they felt that Clinton would have a better shot, then more power to them.

You should actually read the speech Hillary gave when she mentioned the public and private positions. It is incredibly reasonable and more nuanced than you have articulated.

Wait a second....

I really wished I could care about this because Bernie should not have run as a democrat. I wasn’t surprised, nor too upset that the DNC was upset about his presence and actively worked against him. Dude never identified as a democrat, never built the democrat network to support him, and then decided to run as a

Most people don’t realize that Hillary likes doing the hard work on getting things passed. She is the kind of person that likes doing the talking and wrangling behind the scenes to get things done. This trait is easily seen by her only having a few challengers in the Democratic primary.

Where in those leaked speeches did she say that the public position hadn’t to be pretend?

Ok, no snark or sarcasm, I’m legitimately curious and wonder if you could elucidate this for us:

Sounds like a student of the the Jesse Ventura School of Debate. The first, and, well, only method taught there is to insinuate and imply something as hard as you can, and when called out on saying it, stomp your feet and shout that you never said that! You didn’t use those words! Why are putting words in someone’s

It’s not lying. If a Christian democrat personally doesn’t believe in abortion, but publicly says it’s not his call and a woman has the right to choose what’s best for her, that’s not lying. That’s putting the will of your constituents’ ahead of your own personal beliefs.

They did “embrace” the progressives in their platform, Hillary is running on the most progressive DNC platform of all time. She has one of the most liberal voting records in the Senate. She is to the left of Obama on domestic issues and only slightly to the right of Bernie.

Because you are NOT letting it go. Claiming that the DNC cheated him is pretty much the same as Trump’s claim that the election is rigged - the last resorts of sore losers.

A “pile-on” in this context refers to the cascade of responses I’m getting- this is something that happens when a commenter shares an unpopular opinion in a space where there’s an overwhelming consensus that is hostile to that opinion.

She won against Sanders. You can say all you want about rigged, but look at the Washington state primary caucus vs vote results - your guy isn’t as popular as you think.

You replied to a comment complaining about someone saying “the only difference between Trump and Clinton is that ‘Trump won his primary fair and square.’” with “he has a point”.

If by “earned,” you mean “a manufactured narrative created by decades of Republican accusations that cost millions of dollars and turned up nothing.”

And then he lost. I like Bernie, but he lost, you know.

She is not a perfect candidate.

Y’know, fuck that shit.

Trump is more like Sarumann