
Having a major candidate say an election is rigged when it becomes clear they’re going to lose, and threatening to throw the opponent in jail if they win are two thresholds that not many advanced democracies have crossed in a long time, or ever. That’s not how things work in a democracy. It’s fascism.

Their facial expressions are so telling—he looks like he’s on a PR parade, and you can tell how much Hillary’s heart is hurting, just from her eyes.

Rudy Giuliani is not a good mayor... He’s a good mayor ‘cause his city was bombed. I like mayors whose cities weren’t bombed, okay?

If you honestly think Trump is going to receive his current level of media saturation for the next four to eight years if he loses the election, I’m not sure what to tell you. Maybe you’re right, and in 2017-2021 we’ll continue starting every newscast with a breathless rendition of what Trump tweeted last night. But I

The forcible rape is the rapest rape, the one that happens when you are a white virgin girl and a non white man jumps from behind the bushes, so the girl, seeing that he is not his brother, dad or husband, runs in despair while the guy is after her, he grab her by the ankle, not the pussy because that is not assault

And that top she’s wearing is super cute.

Your frequent characterizations of Hillary Clinton as a focused grouped super centrist passionless dynastic robot show either an inability or unwillingness to 1) read anything about her past experiences, before and during her political career, 2) understand the nuances of sexism in our political environment, and 3)

Just total garbage.

I’m just going to repeat what this and every other “I’m whining because Bernie wasn’t the nominee” post seems to forget: Bernie patently failed to secure the votes of women and non-white voters during the primaries. Bernie patently failed to secure the votes of women and non-white voters during the primaries. Bernie

“The only remarkable thing is this: the socialist could have won.”

Bernie was nothing but the left-wing Trump: a cult of personality who espoused big plans with no idea or strategy on how to make them happen, with a rabid, gullible fanbase who didn’t care anyway.

He would have been losing until the present meltdown.

You’re not wrong that the socialist could have won, but the president doesn’t write laws, so how much would have actually changed? Not to mention, ol Bern never really explained how he would pay for all the stuff he was going to give away...

You aren’t very good at politics.

Or a bunch of hipsters who don’t know anything about politics got excited about the idea of “free education”. Bernie never had a real chance of winning in the primaries.

Fellow Democrats: if you want more liberal-leaning people at the top of the ticket, you need to vote more liberal people in down the ticket. That means showing up for primaries, that means actually knowing people’s policy positions, that means writing to your representatives about issues, that means grass-roots

In cases of legitimate rapists winning the Republican nomination, well, the female electorate has ways to shut the whole thing down.

Just sharing.

Checked in sporadiclly on the debate. First thing that came to mind was wtf is he doing skulking around the stage? Ah, he thinks it’s power projection. HRC don’t play that. She’s been fighting in the men’s club for way too long to fall for that. Then he threatens if elected he’s gonna throw her in jail? Dude, can your

I think it was that and at least equally playing to the cameras. He knows how a TV stage works, where the cameras are pointing, and how the spotlighting emphasizes its target. He wanted the TV audience to see how impressive and energetic he was and how he rejected everything Clinton said. He always wanted to be