But...what abt your coffee?!
But...what abt your coffee?!
America is very guilty of ignoring Trump’s racist statements and actions but the outrage is not coming from the “insult” to the (hot white) host on that video - it’s the description of assault. He already insulted “hot white women” many times, including Megan Kelly. The leaked video is more like if he was on video…
Yeah, I get people questioning why this is some people’s last straw with Trump (hint: because he was sinking in the polls), but maybe try to phrase it so you don’t seem completely contemptuous of women being sexually assaulted.
This. He’s already gone after black people, muslims, Mexicans, it was white women that was too far. If they leak footage of him calling black people the n-word, nobody would care.
You should check out the stories about how Paul Ryan has a monstrosity of a bill crammed with every Republican wet dream all ready to get crammed through Congress the moment Trump gets elected. You can pretty much say goodbye to everything from welfare programs to progressive taxation, but, hey, Hillary likes making…
Somebody’s got to write Gawker-esque Hillary posts after Gawker went down
Sooooooooooo....this is all basically what we assumed it would be, right? Hell, in the case of the hardcore #neverhillary camp of Gamergaters, your racist uncle and dejected Berniebros; these are probably better stances than they expected (though they would never admit it).
Wut? No. The GOP and Stein supporters think she is despicable and corrupt. And they are wrong.
You are genuinely not very nice.
You must be a white guy.
Sanders said, in his Daily News interview, that he would ask the big banks for advice on breaking them up. That Clinton would acknowledge the same thing is just shocking!
Make America Grope Again.
love your screenname
Harassment? Grow a pair dude. I wasn’t polite in a comment.
lol I’m sure Randi is super thrilled you consider her a “cool girl” Go fuck yourself dude.
Wow you are pathetic.
Oh please. Context is everything and you stepped in it.
Yes, because our goal in life is to be thought of as “nice”. What a spectacularly dumb comment to make on a women’s website, to a woman, on a story about equality.
I know how lawsuits work. I have no idea if this one has merit. And yes, I’m for equality, which means—stay with me now, ‘cause this one might hurt—some men are not going to get to be in the positions they want, because women will have them instead. So again, equality is going to look and feel “unfair” to a lot of men…
If you read farther down, it says “ The Mercury News notes that, according to Yahoo’s diversity reports, the percentage of women in leadership positions rose 23 to 24 percent between 2014 and 2015.” So somebody’s data is wrong. It could be that Yahoo was covering up a massive swing in which way the imbalance went,…