“That Mexican Thing” turned into a viral hashtag excoriating Mike Pence for being racist and further diminishing the Trump/Pence ticket among Latino voters.
“That Mexican Thing” turned into a viral hashtag excoriating Mike Pence for being racist and further diminishing the Trump/Pence ticket among Latino voters.
Agree with all of that. But Kaine comes off as Biden Bulldog Lite. Either let him loose and have him really go to town on the areas where he stands out or don’t. But when he can be reduced to “that Mexican thing” in a debate, he’s not landing the punches in the areas he should.
Agreed. I also think it would be great if Pareene would use his perch in media to encourage young voters to turn out in midterms and elect POC. You can’t get an “exciting” crop of national candidates without giving POC the opportunity to build up their resumes at the state level first. But that would require him to…
The campaign has been doing all that. If you don’t know that, you clearly aren’t on their mailing lists or attending their rallies or reading campaign materials.
She picked him because he has governing experience, he is going to be able to help her move legislation through the Senate because of his relationships there as a universally liked and effective figure. Some of you numbskulls view politics as the endless art of ideological poetry instead of the meat and potatoes work…
I honestly hope you see this article, Alex, from the WaPo, because it both shows how valuable Kaine is for the role of VP but just how fucking genius Clinton’s campaign is right now. They’re not just beating Trump and Pence, they’re destroying them by using the debates to set them up to say or do stupid things and…
Are you kidding me? The Clinton campaign has so much material of what their vision is for America that they literally published a book with policy positions and the like on how to achieve these goals. The campaign even has a mailing list called, “wonks for Hillary,” that’s very specifically geared towards policy nerds…
OK. No.
Assuming your political affiliation, what is the point of this article?
Or, Clinton correctly divined that the hard-core Berniebros were lost to her (forever) and she did the right thing, which was to strengthen the middle ground.
Hillary Clinton did not nearly lose to Sanders. A 55-43% popular vote is a landslide
I dunno, maybe his point is to say the thing the media would never let a woman candidate say. Considering she gets criticized for both smiling and not smiling enough. Think she would be “allowed” to “get away” with the (necessary) callouts and interruptions that Kaine got away with last night and still be crowned the…
Hi, I for one (being a 34 year old black man) freaking love Tim Kaine. People often point out what he is not (exciting, young, non white) So Why do I like him u might ask? (or might not ask because u don’t care, which is understandable) Because of what he IS, a regular old white guy and he stands on the side of people…
He’s well liked. Scandal free. And locks up an important state in what is going to become the post-Ohio electoral college.
You spent a lot of words when you answered your own question in one sentence.
In a year in which Clinton already nearly lost to a socialist...
Maybe a little research. She selected him over others primarily for his foriegn policy experience and security experience. Per WIkipedia:
For Christ’s sake, Hillary did not almost lose to Sanders. Bernie had a good run for essentially a third party candidate, but let’s not pretend that he was ever a particular threat. Until elections are decided by volume and political naivety, this was never a close race.
Wow still going with the “nearly lost” to Sanders narrative huh
So what is he for?