It is utterly unfair to the rest of us poor slobs that Michelle Obama is allowed to be so flawless. Beautiful, smart, classy, married to Barrack, excellent speaker, funny.....
It is utterly unfair to the rest of us poor slobs that Michelle Obama is allowed to be so flawless. Beautiful, smart, classy, married to Barrack, excellent speaker, funny.....
They hate America. Trump hates America. He speaks of it as though it is a bleak wasteland of roving illegal immigrants raping their way across a once-great ghost town of a country. This resonates with frightened, hateful, deplorable people who hate the America that may actually be no longer supporting white supremacy…
The real story is no longer even remotely that this deranged, colossally ignorant, mendacious, and malicious man has somehow become the nominee of a major party. The Republican Party is nothing but a racist con job and money-laundering operation anyhow, it has been running on fumes for a generation. So yeah, whatever.…
That near-billion that he lost through bad business deals... very likely was not from his own personal wealth, but from other people’s money. He swindled poor saps with tales of his ‘great business acumen’, got them to invest a near billion dollars, then drove it into the ground in one year. So they’re out ‘real…
He got all huffy.
I wonder why there so little coverage by the mainstream media of his truly horrifying rally yesterday by the mainstream media? Even though there is just a torrent of negative info coming out, this is one of the most dangerous things he’s said for far. He basically told his supporters to go intimidate democrats in…
Collapse? No. But his poll numbers will continue to sink. Every stupid move, vile statement, or blatant corrupt activity carves off a few undecided voters. He isn’t going to to self destruct because somehow his bullshit artist shtick has permanently conned about 35% of the electorate. But his poll numbers rise and…
NBC called it possibly “the worst week in presidential campaign history.” That made me happy.
His core supporters don’t matter. Swing-voters do. Although it still seems to take a major bad week to move the polls, it is clearly the case that Trump can cross (and has crossed) a line with the very people he needs to win over in order to win the election.
There it is, that’s a straw, you see? Watch it. Now, my straw reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to snort your cocaine. I... snort... your... cocaine!
the only undecideds are attention whores. Facebook post: “You know, I’ve been holding out since my preferred candidate is no longer in the running. But it’s just sooooo hard to decide since I don’t like either of these choices and I don’t want to just do a protest vote. Sell me on your candidate, and keep it clean.”
Oh, Donny, your supporters don’t care about facts. That is the whole reason they are voting for you. So unless every one of these tweets just says “Shillary is a liar. Sad!” they aren’t going to care.
We all know nothing he does will ever shake his core supporters. Who gets shaken are the morons who flipped from him to Hillary after the DNC, then back to him when they thought Hillary was dying, then back to Hillary after the debate. This helps keep those paragons of intellect in Hillary’s corner.
Whoever found and released these documents is a fucking national hero. I wish there were more (and maybe there will be). But just think about the fact that Trump could basically give himself a tax credit of $50 million per year for 18 years. There would be many, many returns he’s filed with $0 tax owed.
Funny as this is, let’s all take a minute to appreciate the judo the Clinton campaign pulled off on this vain dipshit this week.