
LOL -- it’s absolutely impossible to go back and say what Hillary would have done with her life had she not married Bill. There is just zero argument there, as we don’t know, nor will we ever know. Perhaps he never would have gotten where he was if it weren’t for her (this is something he has actually expressed).

Don’t cry. Minorities will save white people from themselves.

Honestly, here’s my thing. Yes, the private email server shows that Hillary can be secretive and paranoid. Given that she’s had two Secret Service agents publish tell-all books with blatant lies about her, she’s been connected to every accidental death, suicide and murder in Washington DC in the past twenty-five

I clearly misunderstood what site I was reading. I thought this was Gawker Media, and that disrespectful discourse was the order of the day here. I am delighted to discover that has apparently changed and am happy to rephrase:

Jezebel telling people how to feminist is like Mr. Magoo telling people how to drive.

Not just men. A friend of mine posted the ad on Facebook yesterday. She apparently has a bunch of Trump-supporting relatives. They went ape-shit on that ad, claiming it was sexist towards men somehow (I can’t even begin to figure out that one well enough to explain the “logic” behind it). When I first saw it, I

All the stars, for you. The Hilary ad above gave me full body goosebumps, and not in a good way. Your clip made me bawl. Thank you.

Yup. That’s why I just dismiss trolls outright.

Sucking himself off would be my guess. When your lips are permanently wrapped around your own cock, it’s hard to say anything articulate.

Just curious, what happens when your mom comes down the basement stairs and catches you? Do you yell at her to get out and make your dinner, or does she just join in...?

I believe the DNC just released it. Hope it catches on and a lot of people get to see it.

hahahahaha -- Oh....you poor thing.

Rarely have I seen someone so smugly sure of his own intellect and yet so fully committed to an obvious political con artist. Your saltiness has turned you into a world-class chump.

But let’s not indulge shitty people--the whole thread becomes about trying to heal them of their wrongness, which is not a thing that works on narcissists.

That poor woman.

I’m a man, and I’m disgusted. Furthermore I will be working very hard to make sure the country is never burdened with an unqualified sexist as president. I’ve campaigned for Hillary in the primaries, and I will campaign for her in the general in Florida. You’re guy has one field office, Hillary has something close to

I hope it disgusts men as much as it does women.

Trump may start out muted and polite, but I don’t think he can maintain that type of demeanor when challenged and he will be challenged, by Hillary Clinton and hopefully by the moderator. It’s just so easy to push his buttons.